Page 94 of Gambit's Queen

“I’d like all the club girls who've had interactions with Stormy step up here on stage with me.”

Half a dozen women from other clubs, plus Nay and Kelsi, joined Stormy and I on stage.

“Thank you, ladies. I have questions and I expect honest answers.”

Nodding, they murmured their agreement.

“Has Stormy been rude to any of you in any way?”

They shook their heads nearly in unison. Cherry from Pops’ club stepped forward.

“I’d say she’s been the opposite, Gambit. She’s treated every one of us with the same generosity I’ve seen her treat everyone else. From the sweet butts to the patched members.”

“Thank you, Cherry.”

The others agreed. Nay and Kelsi stood on either side of Stormy with their arms around her waist. I turned to Gretchen, Bay and Stazie, motioning them up on stage. Apprehension crossed Bay’s face. Gretchen’s face was a mask of calm and Stazie looked pissed. Stupid bitch.

“Seems like the three of you are the only people that have a problem with Stormy. I wonder why that is?”

“We’re not the only ones. Ratchet had a problem with her last night. She was completely rude to him.”

“That so? Ratchet, can you come up here, brother?”

A smug look crossed the trio's faces. They had no idea they were digging their hole deeper. Ratchet made his way through the crowd and up onto the stage. His face gave nothing away.

“Ratchet, did you have any problems with Stormy?”

“Not one. I did have problems with a couple of others.”

“What happened?”

“Gretchen and Stazie set me up.”

Ratchet told everyone about how the two approached him and sent him after Stormy for a threesome. Swearing she was a new bunny and would be into it. Then he added both women had sex with him last night. No doubt in hopes he’d keep their secret. When he was finished speaking, I spoke up.

“Gretchen and Stazie, you are no longer welcome on our compound. Pack your shit and go. Smoke, take a couple of prospects and make sure they don’t cause trouble on the way out.”

“What, we didn’t do anything,” Stazie cried.

“It was a joke,” Gretchen said.

“A joke? No one thought it was funny, Gretchen. You can go of your own accord, or I can have you tossed out on your ass. Your choice.”

I turned to Stormy, taking her in my arms and kissing her before turning to Dakota. “We need some new blood.”

“On it, Gambit.”