Page 95 of Gambit's Queen

Chapter 46


Their guests went homeby early Sunday evening. Monday we all recovered and cleaned. It was a lazy day. The prospects picked up Chinese for dinner. Tuesday morning, I got dressed with butterflies dancing in my stomach.

Today was my tattoo appointment. Gambit took us for breakfast before heading to Inksperation. We rode on his bike with Cosmo tagging along on his.

The tattoo shop is an old brick home. Gambit opens the door ushering me inside. The place has wood flooring. Two Black leather couches had coffee tables in front of them. Each laden with tattoo magazines and thick binders full of tattoo designs.

Cosmo took a seat flipping through the books while Gambit took her hand and led her into the back. We walked through an open door. The woman waiting for us was gorgeous. She had deep chocolate brown hair with caramel coloring done in a perfect balayage. Her deep brown eyes are warm, and her pink cupid’s bow mouth is turned up in a friendly smile.

“Stormy, I’d like you to meet Sabian Moreau.”

“Sabian, this is Stormy.”

I took the hand she offered. Sabian had a firm handshake and her demeanor soon put me at ease.

“Gambit said we’re doing some scar coverage. Can you show me and tell me what you have in mind?”

I hadn’t worn a bra this morning. Instead, I had on nipple covers. Nay gave them to me last night after she overheard Gambit talking about our tats. I pulled my shirt up and over my head. Sabian had me sit on the table. It reminded me of what you’d see in a doctor’s office for an exam but with a few differences. After a few minutes of studying my scars, she stood, turning her attention to both of us.

“What do you have in mind?”

I pulled out my phone and flipped to the drawing I had made. Gambit hadn’t seen it yet. Turning it around so they could both see the design, I waited for their reaction.

“Bébé, that’s beautiful. Did you draw it?”

“Do you have a digital copy of that?” Sabian added

“Ito drew it for me and yes, I have a copy. He drew it out for me on paper first then made a digital file.”

“It’s beautiful, Stormy. I’d like to get a more masculine version of the heart and skulls for my tattoo. Would that be alright with you?”

I smiled, flipping through my phone I pulled up another drawing.

“What do you think?” I asked, handing the phone to Gambit.

“Damn. This is exactly what I wanted.”

“If you want them done today in one session, I can go back and forth between the two of you. Since this is Stormy’s first tattoo, I’ll start with her. When she takes breaks, will work on you.”


SEVERAL HOURS LATERwe pulled into the compound after grabbing a late-night dinner. Honu greeted us at the clubhouse door with a big woof. The dog dashed over to Stormy, rubbing his head against her thigh. She bent down to give the dog an affectionate hug.

“Were you a good boy today? Tomorrow morning we’ll go for a long walk.”

I can’t help but smile at my woman. My heart fills with pride. She handled the tattoo like a pro. Sabian offered to break up the sessions a few times. Stormy insisted she could do it. Her tattoo is stunning. Just under breasts starting in the middle is an ornate heart shape. The top of the heart had two skeleton heads about to kiss. One skeleton wore a crown of roses and had a necklace where the neck would be. While the other sported a top hat and bow tie. The male skeleton resembled the one we used in our colors. From each side of the heart a ribbon laden with roses went under each breast. Delicate chains dangled in scallops below the roses. Down the center a single delicate chain with a pear-shaped blue diamond pendant. The heart hadGambit’swritten on the inside on one side andQueenwritten on the other.