Page 65 of Gambit's Queen

Church in 30.

With that done, I headed to my bike. It's parked near the entrance in my reserved spot. Each brother had his own space on either side of the entrance. Dozens more bike spaces were located close to the entrance as well. Cage spaces were located to the left of the entrance. A set of four reserved for club use only. Larger spaces sat to the right with a few hookups for campers and RVs. Pops’ compound has a similar setup for their parking area. Our chapters visit each other a few times a year. We also have an alliance with. Rare Breed, Twisted Steele, Pagan Knights and the Archangels.

Brothers from all the clubs were attending our opening party. The number attending doubled in less than a week. Thinking about the opening party kept me calm. I’d unleash my anger later. On James. That lowlife mother fucking sleezeball sold turd a key to Stormy’s apartment.

Stupid cunt would beg for death long before we tossed his breathing body to the gators. My smile widened as I pulled into the clubhouse. We’d inaugurate the Woodshed tonight. You know the saying, ‘I’m going to take you out behind the woodshed.’ Meaning, I’m going to beat your ass, literally.

I headed straight for the bar. Cosmo was manning it.

“What can I get you, Prez?”

“Jack, and I’ll take the bottle.”

Cosmo poured two fingers of whiskey into a glass. Then left the bottle for me. I threw back the drink in one long gulp. Grabbed the bottle and headed to church. The room was previously used as a conference room. It came with a twelve-foot-long table and stackable style chairs. They’d been replaced with standard black rolling office chairs.

His brothers all arrived with five minutes to spare. Wizard closed the doors, and I banged the gavel to start church.

“Wizard, report.”

“Thomas James, Stormy’s landlord, is in a camp less than an hour from here.”

Wizard plugged in his laptop and brought an image onto the screen to my left. We all turned our chairs to see the screen. He brought up an aerial view of the camp. The camp had two cabins and a couple of small outbuildings. Toward the back close to the water sat the smaller cabin.

“He’s in the small cabin in the back. Hasn’t left since I’ve had eyes on him. Someone either tipped him off or we're looking for him or he came back when the police were there. Either way. Should be easy to get to.”

“Sun sets at seven.” Papa said.

“We’ll go in at full dark. All hands-on deck. I’m not taking any chances. This weasel will lead us to Barnes. I know. The prospects can hold down the fort. We roll in thirty.”

After everyone left, I sent a quick text to Pops.

We have eyes on the landlord. Retrieving him after dark. Not sure how long it’ll take.

After hitting send, I sent a text to Stormy.

Got called away on business babe. Don’t wait up. Have fun with Dad. Love you.

I hit send and headed to my room. In the back of my closet, I had a hidden panel installed. Sliding the panel open I input the code on the pad. The lock opened with a loud schnick. I slid back another panel. The safe was full of guns, ammo and a few other weapons.

My handgun went in the small of my back. I put extra clips inside my vest pocket, a small gun in my boot and two blades. More than enough to take care of one lowlife. Again, I didn’t want to take any chances with this asshole. Wizard had found no trace of Barnes. Although Daddy deposited twenty-five grand into junior’s account two days ago.

Wizard had friends looking into senior. We found a long list of dirty laundry. I intended to take that motherfucker down too. We didn’t hurt women. Which became more difficult each day. Each time Stormy told me a new story or had a nightmare. Her mother turned a blind eye to everything, allowing her husband and his son to terrorize her daughter.

It takes a special cunt to pimp out your daughter’s wellbeing for your own creature comforts.

I wish for the millionth time that my mother was still alive. Only this time, I want it for Stormy. My mother would love my woman. Stormy would thrive under Ma’s love. Those moments of uncertainty would melt like the polar caps in the desert with my mother’s love and support.

I slide the panel back, enact the lock and slide the second panel in place. As I exit the closet, there’s a knock at my door.


Nitro, our sergeant of arms, entered. “Everyone’s locked and loaded, Gambit. Do you need anything?”

“No. I know what we have already is overkill.”

“Nah, overkill is if we take the rocket launcher.”

I threw back my head and laughed.