Page 66 of Gambit's Queen

“We have a rocket launcher.”

Nitro smirked.

Chapter 33


My stomach growled. How the hell could I be hungry? I’d stuffed myself silly at lunch. Then again lunch was four hours ago, and Armand and I did a lot of walking. I still can’t believe we’d bought so much stuff. The back of his SUV was full of shoes, clothing, purses and accessories. He must have spent a mint.

Most of the bags were being taken to the clubhouse. Ito came by just a few minutes ago to get them. I kept a few things, including a new nude silk and lace camisole short set. The shorts just covered my butt, showing off the barest hint of cheek. Armand had waited patiently while I tried on all the undergarments and lingerie.

I hurried back downstairs to find Armand. Gambit should be here soon. They hadn’t decided if they were going to cook, order in or go out to dinner. Trinity should arrive shortly as well. Nola wouldn’t join them until tomorrow. She had a hot date.

My phone buzzed. A smile crossed my face. Gambit just sent me a text. Hopefully, he was on his way. While I loved my time with Armand, I missed my boyfriend. Boyfriend. That word brought a bigger smile to my face as I unlocked my phone and pulled up the texts. I’d never had a boyfriend before. Ty ran anyone off that showed any interest in me at all. Not that there was much. Indiana boys don’t like thick girls and I’ll never be a size zero. Hell, I’ll never be a size six either.

My heart fell to my stomach as I read the text.

Got called away on business bébé. Don’t wait up. Have fun with Dad. Love you.

I knew it would happen, eventually. Club business, business he could never tell me. I’d studied enough MCs and spoken with enough members and hung around to know the drill. Good news is I was not alone. Armand comes from the direction of the kitchen phone in hand.

He held it up. “Looks like we’re free for the evening. Trinity and I are taking you out on the town. Go put on your dancing shoes.”


WE ARRIVED AT THE DOCK. Claude Lafayette and his boy Bastien waited for us. I’d used them before when the Kings needed airboats. For the right price they were discrete. We’d sent business their way for their ability to keep their mouth shut and not ask questions. Conveniently, they don’t see a damn thing either.

Nitro walked beside me as we approached Claud.

I gave Claude a nod as Nitro took a wad of cash from his pocket.

“Good evening for a boat ride, Lafayette.”

“Always a good evening when the Kings need a pleasure cruise,” Claude said with a smirk on his face.

Claude Lafayette was in his late forties, medium build with dark hair and eyes. An inch below six feet. His parents were French. Fucktard likes to tell everyone that will listen. Not a damn thing wrong with being proud of your heritage, but this guy gives French men a bad name. He’s a slimeball. To date, he’s been a loyal slimeball, and his loyalty has been tested a few times.