Page 113 of Gambit's Queen

“Fuck!” I roared at the sky.

Outlaw came running up. “I have keys.”

“Someone needs to take Bastien to the hospital.”

Pops dropped to his knees beside the boy. “Trinity and I will take him. You go get our girl. And save a piece of that dirtbag for me.”

Pops firemen carried Bastien from the boat. I found the keys already in the ignition. We loaded up the two airboats and took off for the camp we found Thomas James at. Turns out Terrance Shaw is an alias Sid uses on Barnes’ behalf. The man worked for junior and got babysitting duty when turd went after Stormy. We didn’t bother going in silent. There wasn’t any time. If turd had a head start, he could get his hands on Stormy. I fucking promised her he’d never touch her again.

I tamped down my rage, focusing on the task at hand. As soon as the boat touched land, I turned it off, pocketing the keys and heading toward the largest structure on the property. My brothers are not far behind me. We paused by the smaller shack long enough to form a quick plan.

Shots rang out as we left the cover of the shack.

“Got your back brother, go!” Outlaw called before he began laying a line of fire with his FN P90. A submachine gun developed in Belgium. It held 50 rounds and had a two-hundred-yard range. My brothers added to the line of fire while I headed for the big house. Running in a zigzag pattern, gun at the ready.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I raced over the open ground. I took a deep breath and kicked in the door. First thing I saw was turd messing with an IV attached to my beloved. I took careful aim shooting his hand. My gun wasn’t the only one that went off. I realized too late we weren’t alone. Fire burned in my shoulder.

I turned, firing in the direction the gun fire game was from. Catching the gunman in the throat. I put another bullet between his eyes.

Turd was holding his hand screaming like a baby. “You shot me. You’ll pay for that.”

“Step away from Stormy before I shoot you again.”

A few of my brothers poured in the door guns trained on turd. He made the wise decision to back away from Stormy. I rushed to her side. She was unconscious.

“Stormy, bébé talk to me.”

Moment later Doc was beside me. He unhooked the IV.

“Blue is on his way in the chopper. I’ll take this so the hospital can run a test on it.”

I watched Doc check Stormy’s vitals. The frown on his face told me the news wasn’t good. I felt helpless. More helpless than I’ve ever felt in my life.

“Her pulse is weak and thready. Breathing is shallow.”

I heard chopper blades. Outlaw and Hammer came running in with a stretcher. Doc had Stormy strapped to it in record time. We loaded into the helicopter and headed to the hospital.

Outlaw pressed a clean cloth against my shoulder wound. I gave a grunt in pain before returning my attention to Stormy.

I held her hand in mine. “Bébé, you're safe now. I’m here. I need you to wake up.”

She looked so pale lying there. My heart fucking broke. Each second that ticked by felt like an eternity. The trip to the hospital took less than fifteen minutes by air. A team of doctors and nurses waited for us on the rooftop. Doc went with them when they whisked her away from me.

A nurse escorted me to the waiting room. I was surprised to see Pops and Trinity already there. Pops jumped up.

“Did you get her, is she alright?”

For the first time since they diagnosed my mom with cancer, I embraced my father and cried on his shoulder. I didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought of a grown man crying. The love of my life was fighting for her life and there was not a damn thing I could do about it.

“She’ll be okay, son. Our girl’s a fighter and she has a lot to fight for.”

As we waited for the news the waiting room filled with brothers and friends. An hour later we still haven't heard anything. I’m about to lose my fucking mind. Stone came in with Officer Mac. They came straight to me.

Stone spoke, “Any news?”


“I’m sorry, man. Seems that camp you found her at caught fire. Burned everything to the ground. NOPD will send a team to search for evidence when the rubble is cool enough to look through. I doubt we’ll find anything.”