Page 21 of Ruthless Vengeance

“How very fucking diplomatic of you. I’m not feeling so kind about the man who murdered my mother, kidnapped my sister, then auctioned her off for some sicko to do fuck knows what to, so excuse me if I don’t share your opinion,” I snipe.

“Trust me, Roxy, I’m not being diplomatic, I’m being pragmatic.”

I tilt my head. “You have a plan? Care to share because you know I want in on that shit.”

He chuckles as he rises from the chair. “Of course. But—” The ringing of his phone cuts him off, and he immediately answers, so my guess is it’s important.

“Grand. What time?” Kavanagh asks, but I can’t hear the response, so I wait for him to finish the call. “Thanks.” Ending the call, he looks to me, as though contemplating something.

“What is it? What’s going on?”

“You ready to face your men?”

His question throws me, it’s not what I was expecting, and the thought sends a potent mix of rage and excitement through me. “What do you have in mind,” I reply, my voice strong despite the conflicted emotions running riot inside me.

“They’re going to be at The Watchtower in an hour. You think you can behave, and do exactly as I say?”

I scoff. “I can behave, sure, but I don’t follow orders, Kavanagh. I need to make a call first.”

He shakes his head, but there’s a hint of a smile curling up the corner of his mouth. “What you need is a shower and some clean clothes, then you can make your call. Come on.” He begins walking to the door but pauses with his hand on the handle as I say my next words.

“I’m going to need a gun too,please.” I add a little emphasis on the please after his dig at my manners earlier and to soften the blow of me asking him for a gun.

“Not happening, Roxy.”

“Oh, it will. And you can tell me this grand plan of yours on the way there.” I hear him chuckle as he leads me downstairs.



“What’s the fucking point in paying men, good damn money too, if they can’t even be where you tell them to be.”

“Just chill, Mad. Bowser will be there.”

I offer up a huff in response. Even after going and spending some time in the gym earlier, I still feel antsy. Mitch pissed me off with his fatherly bullshit. But I can’t really complain. The man has risked his career so many times over the years for us. Not forgetting everything he’s done for Roxanne. Do I feel bad that she thinks he betrayed her? Of course, but it was gonna happen sometime or other.

Ten years of secrets and lies don’t just get unravelled without some collateral damage. We are nowhere near done yet either.

Zak might be good at spotting a lie, but he’s absolute shit at telling one. I’ve known from the moment he told me Bowser called him that it was a lie. The only reason I’ve not called him out on it is because I trust him, and he wouldn’t lie without good reason.

We pull up outside The Watchtower, parking just down the street. Like last time, we are greeted by two doormen, who nod and open the doors for us to enter.

And again, like last time, we are told no weapons inside and patted down. Only this time we left our guns in the car and even my blade is taken from me.

Stepping into the main area, Zak pulls his phone free, checking a message.

“Bowser is ten minutes out. Told you he’d be here.”

I grunt as my eyes snag on someone across the room. Someone I wasn’t expecting to see here. I give Zak a nudge.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” Zak says, watching as Tommy strolls away from the bar to a circular booth in the far corner. A booth which I now see is where Bonner is sitting.

“Well, would you look at that.” I turn my gaze away, searching the room for anymore faces that might be here. Of course, the one person I had hoped would be here isn’t. Kavanagh has been elusive since our last meet, and with the information we’ve learnt today, I’m not at all surprised. The familiarity between Rogers and Kavanagh in that photo is also not a surprise given they are family. What’s not so clear is if they are working together, or where Kavanagh’s loyalty lies. “Zak, when we leave here, I want you to put a call out to Eddie at the paper. I want the name of that stringer asap. Tell him if he doesn’t come through for me, I’ll be putting out a story of my own, and he’ll have a starring role.”

Zak nods as we begin walking towards Bonner. The second Tommy sees us, his eyes widen, and I can practically picture his little arsehole clenching in fear. I’m guessing Bonner wasn’t exactly up front about who was going to be here.

As we reach the booth, one of Bonner’s men leans, whispering something to him, and my senses go on high alert.