Page 22 of Ruthless Vengeance

“Evening, gentlemen. Please, take a seat and join me for a drink. I imagine you need one after recent events.” Bonner gestures to the empty seats at his table and the varied drinks on offer.

I take a seat but decline a drink. I’m not touching anything that hasn’t come from the bar directly, especially not if it’s offered by an enemy. Sliding along, I end up almost next to Tommy, and I swear I hear a squeak, which makes me smile.

“What can I do for youboysthis evening,” Bonner asks condescendingly, putting extra emphasis on the word boys.

“How’s business going, Bonner?” I ask as he reaches for his drink. “I hear the Irish have been sniffing around. You heard anything about that?” His hand falters, only for a second, at the mention of the Irish, but it’s enough.

“There haven’t been any dealings with the Irish ‘round here in years, Lawler. You know that.”

“Really? Now that’s interesting.” I don’t say anything more and wait for him to take the bait, like I know he will. He doesn’t disappoint.

“What’s interesting? What’ve you heard?” I see Tommy getting more and more anxious along with Bonner as they wait for me to drop whatever it is I’ve got. They aren’t stupid. They know I’d never have come here without good reason.

Before I can respond, Bowser arrives at the table, and he looks pissed. I turn my attention back to Bonner, but I don’t miss the shared look between him and Zak.

“Seems to me I’m not the only one who should be careful of who he has close to him.” I pull a copy of the photo of Rogers and Kavanagh from my jacket and slide it across the table in a move not too dissimilar to Bonner’s the last time I was here.

Dropping his eyes from me to the photo, I wait for the moment he realises what it is…3…2…Bam!

“Doesn’t mean shit. They’re family, you know.”

I was wondering if he knew about their history. Let’s see how much he’s willing to give me now he thinks Rogers might be betraying him.

“Really? Theo never mentioned that.” Bonner’s eyes widen at the idea of imparting me with this new knowledge. He’s always had a big mouth. It’s why half the families in London won’t do business with him anymore, that and a huge amount of his, and their, merchandise disappears up his own nose.

“Yes, well, it was something he didn’t ever discuss after they fell out.” He leans forward and lowers his voice. “Rumour is, the Kavanagh’s were into something deep, and Ciara paid the price.”

“Ciara?” Zak questions, playing along.

“Oh! This is priceless. Theo’s most loyal men, once upon a time at least, don’t even know the story of his wife.”

It causes me great pain to see the pleasure on his face at having one over on me, but if this is the price, then I’ll pay it. He rattles on about Theo and Ciara, and I let him, hoping he might let slip something we didn’t already know. He doesn’t.

“Okay, enough with the tragic love story, Shakespeare. I just wanted to return the favour and let you know that perhaps Rogers has his own agenda, which doesn’t include you by the looks of things.”

Bonner knocks back his drink and slams the glass down on the table before leaning back in his seat. His eyes skim over me, narrowing as they stop on my face, clearly trying to read what it is I’m up to.

“Cheers, much appreciated. I’d say that makes us even. I’ll get back to destroying your little empire now!” Each one of his men tenses, on guard now he’s made a threat, but I let it go because my only other interest here right at this very moment is Tommy. The guy has been fidgeting and skittish all night.

Blatantly ignoring Bonner and his pathetic attempt at intimidation, I turn to Tommy.

“How’s Sammy these days?” When he barely looks my way, I flick out a hand and grab the front of his t-shirt. “You’ve not seen him?” He shakes his head, and I’m conscious that Bonner’s men are at my back ready to move if he says so and willing to get thrown from The Watchtower. Pulling him across the seat closer to me, I say, “Are you wondering why he’s not here with you? I’m sure you thought you’d do this together, right? Yeah, see the thing is, I’d be tearing this town apart if it were my brother who were missing. Maybe Bonner here can point you in the right direction of where to start looking for him, then after that, if you’re still breathing that is, you should get the fuck out of town because we are gonna come for you, Tommy.” I shove him away from me and climb from my seat.

“How’s Whitmore doing? I hear she’s spending time at Her Majesty’s pleasure?” Bonner says, and when I look at him, I see a smug smile on his face. Oh dear. Another thing he doesn’t know.

With a chuckle, I say, “You and Rogers really should talk more.” Leaning down, one hand on the table, I continue, “Seems you and Tommy are out of the loop. See you soon, Tommy.” I offer him a wink before walking away.

I scan the bar as we head for the exit, eyes landing on Laskin, who is already watching us, and further up, a small group of boys from the Acers. I’ve not seen Mickey, which isn’t unusual, he likes to watch everything from his office.

Mickey isn’t one for taking sides and isn’t really interested in politics of the criminal underworld, but he’s fair, which is why he was happy to give me a heads up about Rogers and Bonner meeting regularly, at least once a week, and I returned the favour by pointing out he might want to check on his doormen. I’m all about the favours lately. I need to change that before I get a reputation as a nice guy. I certainly ain’t fucking that and feel a little reminder of who the fuck I actually am is needed.

Mickey steps out from the shadows, as though just thinking his name can make him appear.

“Maddox, back so soon. It seems your arrival hasn’t gone unnoticed. Your presence is required in my office.” I raise my brows at him, and he simply shrugs.

I turn to Zak. “Go, I’ll be fine and meet you outside in five.” He looks unhappy but doesn’t argue, and he and Bowser head for the exit.

Mickey nods to me as I move off toward his office.