Page 10 of Redemption

As I near Rocco, his lips peel back in a snarl, baring his teeth at whoever is there. It’s a clear warning and not like him at all.

I step up just behind and to the right of Rocco, getting a clear view of the man he’s got pinned in his sights.

“Mr Danvers?” At the sound of his name, his eyes flick to me for the briefest fraction of a second, not wanting to take his eyes off Rocco for too long. Mr Danvers has his hands splayed wide in front of him, and a look of fear at becoming Rocco’s next meal.

Snatching Rocco’s collar, I quickly latch his lead back in place before telling him to heel. He gives one more snarl at Mr Danvers before sitting tentatively at my side.

“I’m sorry. He’s very protective, as you can see.” I swipe a glare to Rocco, who’s focus remains steadfast on the perceived threat in front of him.

Mr Danvers, a guest here at the cabins, slowly lowers his hands and offers me a somewhat tense smile.

“It’s no problem. Can’t fault him for protecting you,” he says, taking a small step forward. A small growl escapes Rocco at his movement, but I tighten my hold on his leash and tell him to knock it off.

Deciding that if Mr Danvers has any chance of leaving here alive, I need to move Rocco away. I give a tug on Rocco’s lead and move us both to the side of the pathway and ensure there’s a wide berth. He also does the same on the opposite side of the path while keeping his movements nice and slow.

“I think I’m just going to—” His words are cut off by the ringing of a mobile. “Shit!” he exclaims as Rocco starts barking. Yanking the phone from the small cuff around his bicep, which are mighty fine, he silences the ringing. “Sorry about that. I need to take this, so I’ll just be going now. Enjoy the rest of your walk,” he says as he edges sideways like a crab down the path away from us.

I finally get Rocco to stop barking in time to hear Mr Danvers mutter ‘god help anyone else you meet on your walk’. I scoff at that considering that I’ve known Rocco since Harry brought him home from the RSPCA six years ago and have never seen him react that way before.

Aware that releasing Rocco with Mr Danvers still in the vicinity might not be the best idea, I keep his lead on and continue down the path. He slopes along beside me clearly not amused with the restriction.

“What was all that about, boy?” I ask, and he cants his head to look at me as though I asked a dumb question. “I thought he seemed like a good guy. Guess I was wrong, huh?” As if agreeing, Rocco lets out two short barks, and I let out a laugh.

The rest of the walk is quiet, and Rocco enjoys it even more when I finally let him loose again.

Back at the house, I give Eleanor a hand preparing lunches for the guests that have pre-ordered and set off to deliver them.

Coming up to the last cabin, my mobile rings in my pocket and I heave a sigh knowing who it is. I stop, pulling it from my back pocket and answer it with a clipped ‘what’.

“I see the time away has done nothing to exorcise your saltiness, Jessica.”

I roll my eyes even though he can’t see me. “What on earth makes you say that, Father?” I don’t give him the chance to reply. “What do you want?”

“Have you seen the paper today?”

“No, Father. Drinking coffee and reading the tabloids isn’t how I start my day. Besides, whatever I’ve missed, I’m sure you’re going to enlighten me.” My father is always happy to rub my mistakes in my face. It’s par for the course when you’re not the favourite.

I hear him sigh down the phone, and I know for sure he’s rubbing the bridge of his nose in irritation at my contemptuous reply.

“When are you going to take your life seriously, Jessica? When will you see what impact your actions have on those around you?” He pauses for a minute, another sigh exhaled from him before he goes in for the kill. “I’ve already instructed Bonham and Sons on your behalf, and Clive is taking the case personally. We can’t afford any fuck ups. I expect you to return to London at the start of next week.”

“I’m not returning to London. I’ve already put my flat on the market. And I don’t need you to fight my battles for me.”

“What on earth are you talking about, Jessica? You can’t run away from your responsibilities. You must face them and do your duty to uphold the good name of this family.”

“Oh please. Good name of this family? You and I both know all I’ve ever done is tarnish that name in your opinion. Did you forget I no longer carry the family name? Therefore, what I do has no bearing on you or my mother. Tell Clive thanks but no thanks.” I end the call before he can go off at me and switch it to silent. Shoving it back in my pocket, my eyes lift to the cabin in front of me as the door opens.

Mr Danvers stops dead when he sees me. His eyes flick back and forth, no doubt looking for Rocco.

“You’re safe, Mr Danvers. I just came to deliver your lunch order,” I say stepping forward to hand it to him. He’s decked out in khaki cargo trousers, a white t-shirt that’s poking out from beneath a half zip jumper, a gilet and a pair of hiking boots. Over his shoulder is a small backpack that he slips off and puts the lunch I just gave him in along with a thin waterproof windcheater jacket.

“Please, call me Jake. Thanks for the delivery,” he says as he swings the bag back over his shoulder. “I didn’t know you worked here,” he queries.

“Oh, I don’t. I’m just helping out while I’m here.” A small frown mars his face, and I can see he’s confused. “Harry and Eleanor are family friends.”

“Ah, I see.” He pulls the cabin door closed, locking it and shoving the keys in one of the many pockets in his trousers before we walk back down the path together. “So, are you staying long…”

“It’s Jess. I’m not sure yet. Maybe a few weeks. How about you?”