Page 11 of Redemption

“I’m just here for a couple of weeks, but I’ll definitely be back later in the year.” I nod in agreement, understanding the appeal of this place.

Reaching the fork in the path, we say goodbye as he heads towards one of the trails, and I head back to the house.

Eleanor keeps me busy and my mind off all the crap that’s going on right now. Although, most of what my father says is utter shit, he did make a good point about my responsibilities, and I’m fully aware I can’t hide out here forever.



Two days earlier (Monday)

I pull up to the house and switch the engine off. Instead of getting out, I sit for several minutes to gather my thoughts. Today has been hard, and I need a minute to clear my head before I go inside. My son is in there, and whilst I can’t wait to hug him and hold him close, I don’t want him to see me like this.

Funerals are always hard, but watching a man bury his only child has stripped me bare. I haven’t felt this much pain since Sam’s death, and it’s made me appreciate the precious gift she left me before she passed away.

Max has been the one constant that, in those first few weeks, had me forcing myself out of bed every morning and kept me functioning.

A flash of red in the corner of my eye has me turning to the house as I see Max running towards the car. Quickly shaking my thoughts away, I snatch up my keys and climb from the car just in time to catch him as he leaps at me.

“Daddy, guess what?”

Shifting him to one arm so I can close the car door, I say, “What?”

“I missed you, Dad,” he states before slapping a sloppy kiss to my cheek. As he pulls back, I dive forward, blowing a raspberry on his neck, and he wriggles in my arms. “Daddy, stop, stop…it tickles,” he says through his giggling.

“Okay, okay. Come on, let’s go inside and you can tell me what trouble you’ve been causing.” I carry Max to the house where my mum is waiting on the doorstep. “Hey, Mum,” I greet, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

She doesn’t say anything, just lays a hand on my arm and gives a little squeeze before turning and going back into the house.

I let Max down, and he runs off after my mum just as the oven begins to beep. The sweet smell of a cake baking reaches me at the same time, and I can practically hear Max licking his lips.

In my room, I strip out of my suit and jump in the shower, allowing the water to wash over me and attempt to cleanse the melancholy from me.

It helps somewhat, but only in so far as my mind floods with beautiful cornflower blue eyes instead. Ones that have walked the depths of my mind and invaded my dreams for the last two weeks. My cock hardens instantly, and I let out a curse at my body’s reaction. It’s been a long time since I had such a visceral reaction to a woman, and it pisses me off because I don’t know how to deal with it.

Sex is easy because it’s a natural want and need for any person, and I’ve had my fair share since I lost Sam. Getting hard just thinking about someone and having them in your head and dreams is a whole other ball game. My cock throbs, but I ignore it, instead turning the water to cold in the hopes it will go away. It doesn’t but I refuse to give into my body’s demands.

Downstairs I find my dad in his study, today’s paper laid out on the desk in front of him and a glass of scotch in his hand.

“Son,” he greets, nodding towards the chair across from him. “You want to talk about it?”

I shake my head. “Not really. How was Max today?”

My dad opens the bottom drawer of his desk, pulling out another glass and his favourite scotch. He pours a healthy measure before pushing it across the desk to me. I get the feeling that his presumed assumption I need a drink isn’t solely to do with where I’ve been today and more to do with my question about Max.

I take a mouthful before addressing my dad. “What’s going on, Dad?”

“We received a call from the school today. It appears that Max, along with two other boys, were seen talking to a man through the bars of the playground at lunch time today. Unfortunately, by the time the teacher reached them, the man had left. When they questioned the boys, they told the teacher that the man was asking if it was a good school.” I raise my brows at that piss poor excuse for talking to primary school children. “I hear you, Rick, and I smell the bullshit too. The school have informed the police, and the teacher was able to give a description to them, albeit not very helpful.”

“I’ll have a word with Scott. He’s not on a job just now, so he can patrol the area while Max is at school.”

“Actually, your mother and I were thinking as half-term is coming up, we should all get away for a break. How about we take the caravan and head up to Kings Dyke for the week.”

I’m about to say no, but then decide it’s a great idea. We haven’t had a break away in a while. Things are quite at the moment, and even with Ryder taking some time out with Cam and the baby, I know the guys can handle things. Besides, that last job was tough.

“Well, what do you say, son? I think you and Max could do with it.”

“When do we leave?” My dad smiles, and I see how relieved he is that I agreed.