Page 9 of Redemption


The nurse sighs heavily before looking at me then Jessica. “Mr Harris has instructed us that you’re not permitted to visit her under any circumstances. I’m very sorry.” Her words are laced with apology and sincerity.

Jessica’s short-lived relief and hope is replaced with sorrow and dejection, and I watch as she swallows down her pain at Tobias’ final, cutting blow.

God, the man is something else. Don’t get me wrong, as a father I completely understand how he must be feeling, but I can also be objective. It’s not Jessica’s fault, and the fact that she too was kidnapped and subjected to trauma and abuse should be enough to make Tobias realise that.

“The doctor will be along shortly, and providing your scans are clear, you’ll be discharged. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help, Ms Fisher.” She gives me a nod as she leaves.


“I’d like for you to leave now. Thank you for rescuing us, but you don’t need to be here anymore.” She turns away, looking out the window.

I step around the bed and stop beside the small cabinet at the side of her bed. Pulling a card from my pocket, I place it on the top.

“Take care, Ms Fisher.” And with that, I turn and leave. I’m not mad at her dismissal of me. Jessica Fisher is a strong and proud woman in a role dominated by men. To show any kind of weakness would be tantamount to career suicide.

I head to the ICU where I know Jamie and Seb are waiting for me. I spot them outside a private room, and just beyond them, I can see Tobias standing vigil over his daughter inside the room.

Jamie’s words drift down the corridor to me as I approach.

“I’ve never seen anything like it, Seb. That poor girl. It’s going to take a long time and a lot of therapy for her to even gain a semblance of a normal life again.” Jamie drops her head to Seb’s chest, and he kisses the top of her head, whispering to her.

Hearing me approach, he looks up as I reach them. “Hey, man. What’s happening?”

“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Jamie looks up at me with tear filled eyes. “How’s Jessica?”

“Aside from losing her job and one hell of a headache, I have no doubt she’ll be just fine.” She gives a nod as we turn and make our way out of the hospital.



Two weeks later

“Harry, I’m just going to take Rocco out. I won’t be long.”

“No worries, Jess. Thanks.”

“If anyone needs to be thankful, it’s me. Walking Rocco is the least I can do,” I call back, as I snap Rocco’s harness on him. His tail brushes excitedly against the utility room floor. It works better than a broom as a plume of dust lifts into the air from all the muddy boots that have trampled through here this morning.

Harry and Eleanor own a small number of cabins for rent a hairsbreadth from Kings Dyke Nature Reserve. The reserve is award winning and home to some of the UK’s scarcer wintering bird species, and as a result, attracts visitors all year round.

Lady luck must have been shining down on me a little over a week ago when Eleanor, a long-time family friend, called having seen the news report on mine and Lottie’s kidnapping. Tobias had managed to keep it under wraps up to that point, but following Lottie’s death, he wasn’t able to any longer.

Eleanor immediately insisted that I come and recuperate with them, and at first, I declined, but she soon wore me down like always. The luck part was the fact they had an empty cabin for me to use for as long as I want.

I step outside with Rocco still wagging his tail beside me and breathe in the clean, if somewhat pungent, air of the Cambridgeshire countryside. I turn left heading towards the small copse of woodland that runs at the far end of the land Kings Dyke Cabins is on. As soon as the path passes the first line of trees, I release Rocco from his leash, and he races away, sniffing and cocking his leg at every available opportunity.

I amble along the path, watching Rocco as he dashes from one side of the path to the other. Oh, to be a dog. No responsibilities, to run free without fear and not know the pain and suffering that comes with being a damn human.

These last few weeks have been some of the hardest since the death of my brother, Christian. I’m assaulted daily by guilt that Lottie suffered the way she did, and so much so that she took her own life. What’s worse is that I know her pain all too well. I wish Tobias had afforded me the opportunity to talk to her. I’m not one for sharing my own dark experience, but for Lottie I would have gladly shared it all if I thought for one minute it would have helped her. For that, I’ll never forgive the man. Tobias’ final cutting blow was two-fold; banning me from attending her funeral and on the same day serving me with papers stating his intent to sue me.

A low growl from Rocco, just up ahead, chases away my dreary thoughts and has me looking to where he now stands in the centre of the path ready to strike and hackles raised.

“Easy, boy, easy,” comes a voice just round the bend and out of sight.