Page 46 of Reckless

A chill covers me, and I shudder. It’s enough to bring me out of my thoughts. Opening my eyes, I’m met with caramel ones, that seem heavy with emotion and swirling with gold flecks.

“Jamie?” His voice is soft, questioning. He’s tentative as he moves closer to me. “Let’s get you out of the car and inside. Can you walk?”

My throat is tight when I try to answer, and all that comes out is a squeak. I give him a nod instead. He hesitates before moving back from the door to let me climb from the car.

I step out of the car, but as soon as I’m up, my knees buckle. Strong arms catch me before Seb picks me up. I wrap an arm around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder as he carries me into the house.

I watch my feet swinging as he walks, and I realise I’m missing a shoe, and my bare foot as several cuts that, at one point, have been bleeding.

Seb places me on the sofa, and I cling to him a beat longer, not wanting him to go.

“I’m right here, Jamie, and not going anywhere,” he whispers in my ear, and I reluctantly release him. Then he does something I wasn’t expecting.

Crouching in front of me, he grabs my face in his hands and looks into my eyes, searching for something.

“I’m so sorry, Firefly,” he says before leaning forward and placing a chaste kiss on my lips. He lets me go before standing up and telling me that he’ll be right back, and then he leaves the room.

I touch my fingers to my lips. He kissed me. Kissed lips covered in snot and tears. Such a strange thing to think right now, but my mind is scattered.

I can hear voices in the next room, and I listen as they become more heated.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

“Ha! Are you fucking serious right now? Tell you? Tell you what? That your daughter was getting threatened and was suspended from her job? I’ll tell you why he didn’t tell you. For the same fucking reason that we haven’t told Jamie about you, Mr Morgan!”

“Seb, that’s enough. Dom, you have to understand we weren’t sure if the two were connected, and the same confidentiality rules apply to Jamie just as much as they do to you.”

“That’s bull and you know it. I’m her father and have every right to know what is going on with my daughter. Including the fact that your partner here thinks he can lay his hands on her.”

I can’t see my dad, but I know from the tone of his voice there’s a sneer on his face, and it raises my already building anger at him. I haven’t forgotten the words the guy said to me. That this is a message for my dad.

I hear Seb laugh. “You have no idea where my hands have been.”

I shake my head at Seb’s cocky jibe and get to my feet, wincing from the cuts on my bare foot and sore ankle. I kick off the other shoe before gingerly walking towards the kitchen.

By the time I reach the kitchen, the raised voices have become shouts and rounding the corner, I’m met with the sight of my dad and Seb toe to toe. Both red faced and fists clenched at their sides.

Seb has some balls going up against my dad. He may only run a local newspaper now, but he was once a Commanding Officer in the army.

“Stand down, Soldier,” my dad commands.

Seb leans forward a little. “Screw you. You have not authority here, so get off your high horse, Officer.”

Jay sees me first and moves to help me, but I shake my head. Moving further into the room, Seb’s eyes land on mine. His eyes narrow as he watches me limp toward them, and I watch as his nostrils flare. This time I know it’s with anger and frustration.

My dad turns as I reach them, eyes going wide as he takes me in, and I can only imagine what a mess I look.

“My god, Jamie.” He takes a step forward, arms out to wrap me in a hug. I inch backwards out of his reach, not wanting or needing anything from him right now except answers.

His face falls in surprise and hurt, but his pain at my rejection of his fatherly affection is inconsequential to my own. He goes to speak, but I cut him off, not interested in what he wants to say.

“No.” I hold my hands out, warning him away. Seb edges toward me now, but I square my gaze on him, stopping his advance too. I know that I’ll never be able to say what I need to if either one of them invade my personal space. I’m struggling to hold it together as it is. I turn to Rick, who is watching cautiously, waiting to see if he needs to intervene. “Is he dead?”

The deep inhale and tic of his jaw tell me the answer before the words even leave his mouth. “Yes.” He doesn’t offer anything else, and I’m grateful for the straight-forward, no-dressing it up answer.

Facing my father, I only have four words for him.

“This is your fault.” His throat bobs as he swallows. “My oldest friend is dead because of you.”

“Jamie,” Rick warns, but I ignore him.

“Whoever you’ve pissed off now has decided I’m their best target, and you have the bare faced cheek to stand here criticising Rick, who I assume has been helping you, for not telling you my business, when all along you’ve been keeping secrets of your own. And if you bothered to return my calls, I could have told you.” My words are measured, but the pain, and the, rightly or wrongly, focused rage I feel towards my dad lies just below the surface silently urging me on. Seb moves again, only this time he ignores my warning to stay the hell away, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into him. My arms stay hanging limp at my sides, but I notice for the first time that I’m shaking.

As he holds me, I feel my resolve weakening, and I hate he can do this to me.

“Jamie,” he breathes in my ear so only I can hear him. “Don’t do this now. Don’t say something you’ll later regret.”

“I need to shower,” I say, looking at Rick, who gives a nod. “When I come back, you’re going to tell me just what the fuck is going on, and why my life has been turned upside down and my friend is dead.” It’s not directed at any one person, but I see my dad drop his head before a barely heard ‘okay’ leaves him.

I let Seb, lead me away. I don’t have room to think about what it means that he’s calmed me, is here comforting me, caring for me. There’s no sign of the cocky guy I first met, or the broody arsehole that gets me hot all over. This is a whole other Sebastian Roberts. And I’m afraid that I might just like this side of him as much as I like the other two sides.