I lead Jamie upstairs to the room that’s mine when I’m here. She pauses as she notices my belongings scattered around but doesn’t say anything and follows me as I enter the en suite. I push thoughts of the other times we’ve been in the shower away and pray my dick behaves as she begins undressing.
I switch the shower on, testing the temperature, and when I turn around, she’s standing there naked. Oh shit. This might have been a bad idea. She’s looking off into space, and I unashamedly rove my eyes over her curves, her full breasts. When my eyes finally reach her face again, she’s looking at me with a knowing smile on her face. Busted.
“Did you get a good look, Seb?”
I step toward her, almost chest to chest. “I could look at you all day, but now is not the time, Jamie.” A flash of hurt sparks in her eyes. “Hey.” I lift a hand, sliding it along her neck and gripping her hair. “You’re hurting and angry, and I’m not so much of an arsehole that I’d take advantage of that.” Speak for yourself my dick announces. “But you need to get in the shower and get some clothes on because I’m trying to be a gentleman here, but I can only take so much before my dick wins this argument.” She lets out a small laugh, and then she reaches out a hand, stroking over my crotch. My dick, which is already hard, throbs painfully at her touch, and my eyes roll in their sockets as I take a deep breath and try to keep control.
“Feels to me as though you already lost.”
I grip her hand, stopping her strokes. “Firefly,” I warn, needing her to hear what I’m saying. “I would gladly take you right here, right now, but we both know that’s not what you need just now. You’d hate me after, and despite what you think, I really wouldn’t like that. My dick definitely wouldn’t like it.” I tighten my grip on her hair, pulling her face to mine. “I want you. But not like this.” I kiss her.
It’s like no kiss I’ve ever given to a woman before, and I hope she feels the truth of my words, and the unspoken ones too.
“Get in the shower, Firefly. Oh, and you might want to try setting number three. I hear it’s a great reliever.” She frowns at me, and then shock splays across her face as she realises what I mean. I leave her with her mouth hanging open.
My only problem now is the mental image of her pleasuring herself in the shower is almost impossible to get rid of. I tidy my room in a bid to take my mind off Jamie. Naked. In my shower, rubb—Okay, that’s enough. I pull out a t-shirt and joggers for her to wear, laying them on the bed. I hear the shower turn off and contemplate sticking around to see her in a towel with water dripping down her—Nope. I exit the room just as the door to the bathroom opens.
I pause for a second to adjust myself before heading back downstairs.
Back in the kitchen things seem to have calmed down somewhat. Rick has made tea and placed a couple of glasses and a bottle of JD on the counter.
I snatch up a glass and pour myself a large one. “Jamie will be down in a minute.”
“How long?” Dom asks, voice hard and head down, swishing the amber liquid in his glass. He raises his head when I don’t answer. “How long have you been screwing my daughter?”
“Dom, I don’t thi—” Rick tries to say, but Dom cuts him off.
“Answer me!” he demands, slapping a hand down on the seat beside him.
“I’m not even going to deign your extremely inappropriate question with an answer. And before you can give me that shit about you being her father, yeah, you might be, but that doesn’t make it your damn business. So, back the fuck off, Dominic.” Taking a sip of my JD, I look around the room and realise there’s no sign of Jay. “Where’s Jay gone?”
“He went to see if he can find anymore out about what happened at Rosco’s tonight. He thinks the whole thing was a set-up to get Jamie on her own. It was good thinking to send Jay after her.”
“Yeah, didn’t do much good did it? She still got hurt. Emotionally and physically.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Dom spits out.
Before I can answer, Jamie’s voice comes from behind me.
“Not his.” She strides into the room, wearing my clothes and all the blood rushes to my dick. I notice she’s still limping a little as she makes her way to where I’m leaning against the counter. Taking the glass from my hand, she downs it before leaning round me to pour another one as she speaks. “Don’t go blaming others for your mistakes, Dad. You should have told me, warned me, that this could happen. You always have in the past when you’ve had trouble, why not this time?” She takes a mouthful of the drink, and then she hands it to me, but I take the glass and place it on the counter behind me. I know we have an audience, and given the conversation just now, this is probably not a good idea, but I don’t give a fuck. I grab her round the waist, lifting her and placing her on the counter next to the drinks. Jamie lets out a small squeak, but doesn’t say a word, and I see Rick raise a surprised brow before shaking his head, a small smirk on his face.
Dom on the other hand, looks murderous.
“Stay there,” I tell her as I walk to a cupboard and take out a first aid kit before walking back to her. I find what I need, then kneel down in front of her and start dressing her foot.
“Is somebody going to tell me what’s going on?” Nobody speaks. “For fuck’s sake, Dad. What is this all about? You owe me an explanation.”
I look over my shoulder at Dom, and his eyes are pinned on me as I tend to his daughter. I can see how much he wants to come over here, pull me away and pound the shit out of me, no doubt. But he doesn’t, instead, he starts talking.
“Shortly before your mum and I separated, a letter arrived at work in my usual daily mail. I’ve had plenty over the years, varying from telling me their life story, finding their birth parents or some scandal they want to expose. This one was no different in that respect, but it wasn’t an easy read. Towards the end of the letter, they started talking about it being time to pay up, to get what they were owed. I just dismissed it and thought no more about it. Then the following month, I received another one. Exactly the same, almost word for word. Then the phone calls started, some were completely silent, others you could hear crying in the background, sometimes screaming. Again, I dismissed them as prank calls. Then about four weeks ago, I received another one. The tone was angry, more aggressive like they were pissed I wasn’t listening. But then they mentioned you and Louise and had enclosed several pictures of you both.”
Jamie squirms at the mention of pictures, and I know what’s going through her head. I squeeze her foot, and when she looks at me, I give a small shake of my head, letting her know it’s not what she thinks. I pray to god she doesn’t ever have to see the ones of her mum. But I’m starting to understand that Jamie doesn’t let things go easily. In that respect she is like her father, sniffing out a story to be told.
I see her hesitation to ask about the photos, still fearing they are the ones she was sent.