Page 45 of Reckless



A hand slips over my mouth, silencing my cries, and I’m shoved against the door. I freeze instantly as fear slithers down my spine, and I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. Thump, Thump. Thump.

His hand covering my mouth smells of engine oil and ammonia, and my stomach roils at the combination of the two.

“Hello, Jamie. You’re a lot sexier in person. Hmmm.” He groans as he sniffs my hair, and every hair on my body stands to attention. “Alas, I’m not here for that, although I wouldn’t mind a couple of hours to see what you can do with that hot little body. Ice makes me horny as fuck.” He grinds his hips into my arse, and I can just about feel his pathetic cocktail sausage dick through my jeans.

The fear that held me captive at first is slowly replaced with disgust and anger, but I know I need to wait. To lull him into a false sense of security and play the frightened little girl until the time is right.

“You are a sweet little thing, but I’m getting off track again. I have a message for you, and this time be sure to pay attention. You tell that cock-sucking father of yours to pay the fuck up.” My dad? What the hell does he have to do with this? “Time is running out, and he’s getting very impatient waiting.” He curls the hand covering my mouth, squeezing his fingers into my cheek and shakes my head side to side. His body shifts, pulling back, and I know this is my chance.

My hands are balled into fists in front of my chest from where I was pounding the door, and as his pressure on me loosens, I prepare to slam an elbow into his ribs, but before I can, the door I’m leaning against is shoved opened, and we are flung backwards.

His hand leaves my mouth, and I land in a heap, half on my attacker and half on the ground.

Smoke pours from the open door, making it impossible for whoever is coming out to see where they are a going. I shout out, warning them and hoping like fuck it’s Alex.

“Watch out!”

“Come here you little bitch.” He makes a grab for me as I roll to the side, but he misses, and I scramble to my knees.

I hear my name and recognise the voice. It’s Alex. “Alex. Look out!” I hear a grunt, and as the smoke clears, I see Alex and the other guy fighting.

Climbing to my feet, I watch as the two men go at each other. My attacker is holding his own considering he’s a scrawny piece of shit, and Alex is almost twice the size of him.

Feet pound the pavement behind me, and I spin, ready to face them. Only it’s not this guy’s friend, it’s Jay. I don’t have time to question what he’s doing here, and instead scream at him to do something.

“Do something, Jay! For fuck’s sake, help Alex.” Jay skids to a halt, looking between me and the fight going on in front of us.

Jay steps forward to intervene as Alex and the other guy crash to the ground, fists flying everywhere. At the same moment, the door behind them opens, and once again the alley is encased in a cloud of smoke that makes it impossible to see.

More grunts and fists hitting flesh echo in the empty alley way, and then everything stills for a split second. I think it’s over, but a second later a loud, piercing pop rings out. It bounces of the walls and pings down the whole alley.

Jay grabs me, throwing us to the ground. I look up and through the haze of smoke as it drifts up off into the sky, I see a figure lying on the concrete. They’re not moving. Standing above them, cast in shadow and smoke, is a man with a gun. I scramble to my knees, crawling towards the prone figure, only to be held back.

“Jamie, we need to get the hell out of here.” As if the sound of Jay’s voice broke the spell, the guy with the gun, slowly turns, raising the gun directly at us. “Move. Now. Up on your feet and fucking run.”

I can’t move as I look down the barrel of the gun. Rooted to the spot and hands shaking as adrenaline replaces the blood pumping through my veins. I flick my eyes to the figure on the ground, and I know who it is.

A scream bubbles up from the deepest part of me and bursts free, shattering the deafening silence.

“Aaaaaahhh! No.” Arms grab me, lifting me up into a fireman’s carry. “Alex. Alex!” I scream, and I can’t take my eyes of him as we race away. Tears fall, and the cold air burns them as they roll down my cheeks. “Stop. We have to go back. We have to help him. Alex,” I call out his name again, and my voice breaks. My pain turns to anger, and I begin thumping Jay in the back. “Put me the fuck down. We have to go back. You can’t just leave him there to die. Jay!” His steps falter, and he flinches as I land a punch to his kidney, but he doesn’t stop.

Jay doesn’t stop till we reach his car, and even then, he still won’t put me down until he has the car open. Then he dumps me, unceremoniously, into the back seat.

At first, I wonder why the back and not the front, but when he shuts the door and I immediately try to open it again, the reason is clear. Child locks. Fucking child locks!

He knew, given half a chance, I’d be running back down that alley to my friend. And that thought knocks ten bells of shit out of me. Hitting me like a speeding train.

Jay begins to drive, and I slump back in the seat. I sob. I bawl. Tears run together in a stream down my face until there’s not a dry patch of skin left.

I hear Jay talking, but I don’t know if he’s talking to me, himself or someone else. Instead, I let the tears continue, raw and plain to see, while inside my body is a deadly silent storm. A mass of building emotions waiting to be unleashed.

The car stops, and I look up to see where we are. Through puffy eyes and blurred vision, I see we’re at Rick’s house. Why would Jay bring me here? I don’t want to be here. I drop my head and stare at my hands resting in my lap. I hear a door open and close before raised voices, muted slightly inside the car, reach me. I shut the noise out and just stare out the window.

I see Alex. I hear his voice, his laughter, like he’s right beside me. He smiles, winking at me. He reaches out a hand, touching my cheek, and I nuzzle into it, letting my eyes drift closed at his touch.