Page 24 of Reckless



After taking Jamie in the shower, I crawled into bed with her and must have fallen asleep. I’m such a fucking idiot. I should never have gone back there with her, and now here I am, creeping out of Rick’s house afraid to get caught. Just like last time. Yeah, I’m an arsehole. The only difference is last time I didn’t know what I was letting myself in for.

The weekend we spent together was fucked up. It was the first time I’d met her, and I knew straight away how things would play out. Oh, she tried to play hard to get, but I saw how much she wanted me, despite her frosty arse reception. Her constant jibes at me, her thick and blatant sarcasm turned me the hell on. It was like we hated each other, couldn’t stand to be in the same room together, but when I’d finally had enough of the foreplay and made my move, she caved like a fucking straw house in a tornado.

After that first time, the gloves were off. We battled each other constantly. She’d call me a man-whore, I’d tell her she loved my talents. She’d call me an arsehole, I’d tell her I liked it when she talked dirty. We traded insults continuously, except when we were fucking. Then there were no insults to be had, just pure fucking heaven wrapped up in the form of a fiery little redhead with a tongue like a whip, and a mouth as sweet as nectar.

Then as I laid there, watching her sleep, I realised that she was a woman I could feel more for. That had my dick shrivelling up like I’d taken a dip in an ice bath. So, I did what I always did. I left. Not a word, just crept out in the middle of the night and fucking left.

Now, here I am doing the same thing again.

She’s going to hate me. But that’s okay, I can live with that. What I can’t live with is her getting deeper under my skin. There’s a reason I don’t do relationships.

Back at the apartment,I have a shower and make breakfast. Jay is asleep, but he’ll be up when he smells the bacon cooking. As if on cue, once the aroma begins to waft through the apartment, I hear Jay moving around.

“Hey, man. What time is it?” he asks, walking into the kitchen wearing nothing but boxers and running a hand through his dirty blond hair.

“It’s early. I would say I’m sorry for waking you, but I’d be lying.”

“Uh-huh. Knowing you like your sleep as much as me, get that food on a plate then you can tell me why the fuck you’re up at the arse crack of dawn, cooking of all things.”

I finish cooking, and as I place the plates on the table, Jay brings over two mugs of tea, taking a seat opposite me.

“Come on then, man, spill your guts. What’s got you in a tizz?”

“A tizz? How fucking old are you?” I say, shaking my head. “Can’t a guy make his roommate breakfast without there being something wrong?”

Jay looks at me sceptically. “Anybody else, maybe. You? Not a cat in hells chance. Where’d you disappear off to anyway?”

I take another bite of eggs and bacon, and Jay waits me out. I place my knife and fork on the plate with a sigh. “Rick set me up. He called, and when I told him what happened Monday at the club, he told me to come over so we could discuss shit. Only when I got there, Jamie was there.”

“Shit, man. That’s not cool. Well, at least you weren’t stupid enough to tap that again.” He laughs, lifting a forkful of food to his mouth then pauses, looking up at me. I give him a half laugh half grimace. “You didn’t?” I pick my fork up, flicking crumbs around my plate. “Holy shit! You did. You sure must be a glutton for punishment, man.” He finishes his mouthful before continuing, “What was she even doing at Rick’s?”

“She got mugged outside the hospital.”

“Well, shit. She okay?”

“Yeah. She’s a little banged up, but she’ll be fine.”

“She must have banged her head to be stupid enough to go there with you again.” I glare at him. “Hey, man, I’m just saying. If I was her and you did to me what you did to her, I’d want to cut your balls off not suck’em again.”

“Fuck you, Jay.” I pick up my plate, dumping it in the sink. “There’s no fear of it happening again.”

Jay swivels on his chair. “What’s that mean? What’d you do?” I start rinsing the plate off. Jay lets out a laugh as the penny finally drops. “You snuck off again, didn’t you?” He walks over, putting his plate and cup in the sink. “She’s gonna be majorly pissed at you, and the next time you see her, I recommend you wear some armour ‘cause she’s gonna come at you hard, man.” He heads back to his room, and not two minutes later a steady thump, thump echoes down the hall as some girl starts moaning like a true porn star.

Not wanting to stick around to listen to them going at it, I grab my gym bag and get the fuck out of there before my ears start bleeding.

* * *

I don’t hearfrom Rick all day, which is a little surprising as I was sure he’d be blowing up my phone for my disappearing act. I also don’t hear from Jamie, but that is less surprising.

As I’m pulling up to Tempest, my phone pings. Parking up, I pull it from my pocket and Ryder’s name flashes across the screen. The first line clues me in on what it’s about, and I don’t have time for his lecture just now.

I grab a beer from the bar, and then take up a seat near the door to the VIP area. No sign of Tank tonight, instead there’s a bald guy with tatts up one side of his neck and along the sides of his head. He reminds me a little of Ross Kemp, minus the tatts, but wearing the standard Tempest security outfit of black trousers and t-shirt, size small by the looks of it, and the Tempest logo on the top left, he’s a dead ringer for him.

Jay and I tried to do a little digging into the girl from Monday night, but without a name, we weren’t able to get anything. I contacted Lance to see if he knows who she is, but I’m still waiting for him to get back to me. I came here tonight hoping to see her again and check she’s okay, but so far, nothing, and it’s not exactly filling me with hope.