Page 25 of Reckless

There was another body found on Sunday morning, so whatever the fuck is going on, it’s definitely linked to the previous dead girl the police found recently. And from what Rick has managed to piece together with a cop friend, both girls are linked to this club in some way.

I scout the room, looking for anything out of place, when suddenly my eyes are drawn to the bar. Sitting on a stool drinking and looking across the dance floor is Jasper Williams. I shouldn’t be surprised to see him here, but the fact he is, and who he’s been spending his time with lately, are a major cause for concern.

From my position I can watch him without drawing attention to myself, and after several minutes he’s joined by another guy. They look friendly, and Jasper orders the guy a drink as he takes a seat next to him.

A commotion over by the VIP door snags my attention, and when I look back to the bar, Jasper is handing an envelope over to the new guy. They shake hands, and the guy leaves. Jasper finishes his drink and then heads this way.

A flash of apprehension runs through me as he passes my table, and I hope he doesn’t recognise me. I needn’t have worried as he barely looks my way before showing the Ross Kemp look-alike his wristband and climbing the stairs when the door opens for him.

It’s nearing 1am when I finally decide to throw in the towel for the night and head home. After shoving my way through the crowd waiting to collect their coats, I exit onto the street. I move away from the front of the club to lean against the wall of the alley that runs alongside Tempest.

I watch as a couple stumble from the club, faces glued to one another and hands running all over each other, and it brings a smile to my face. Then it just reminds me of Jamie. Shaking those thoughts away, the sound of raised voices from the alley behind has me turning that way.

Apart from the light at this end of the alley, the only other light comes from the moon, which is currently covered by cloud and making it almost impossible to see more than a few feet in front of me. I creep further in, away from the light, hugging tightly to the wall as I strain to hear the voices.

“Find her and fucking deal with it.” I can’t see who’s speaking, and I don’t recognise the voice, but they don’t sound happy. “If you don’t sort it out, and this comes back to us, Mark is going to fuck you up. Now get the fuck out of here.”

Scuffling feet, then a car door slamming shut sounds down the far end, and as the moon emerges from behind the cloud, shining a sliver of light into the dark alley, I finally see who was talking.


He cuts an imposing figure standing there as the taillights from a car move off into the distance. I’m still too far away to see his face properly, and the fractured light of the moon is nowhere near bright enough to see better, but I watch as he rubs the back of his neck before smacking out at the fence, which reverberates all the way down to me.

I get the impression that despite his orders, he’s not happy about what just went down. My suspicions are confirmed when he pulls his phone from his pocket and makes a call.

After silence for a few seconds, he finally speaks, “Natalia, where the hell are you? Travis is looking for you, and I can’t help you anymore.”

He shoves the phone back in his pocket, and then heads off into a side gate, which must lead back to the club.

I wait a couple of minutes, making sure it’s safe, before hurrying back to my car. As soon as I’m safe inside, I ping a quick message to Rick, then head home.