Page 17 of Risk

After Faye’s death Sean went crazy, the worst he’d ever been, worse than when he found out I was having a girl. His anger knew no bounds and anytime I was close by, it was me that took the brunt of it. Part of me didn’t care, I wanted the pain, to feel something, anything. The guilt was already slowly killing me, and Sean was grieving too, so it didn’t matter.

Tyler would always clean me up after and make sure I was okay when he was there. I got the impression he didn’t much like Sean, but I was never sure. Why was he working for him if he hated him?

Then around two months after Faye’s death I overheard Sean talking with some businessmen in his office. They were discussing a new shipment, I had no idea what that meant, but I took a chance and asked Tyler about it the next time we were alone. I remember him seeming angry, and then he peppered me with a shit load of questions that I didn’t know the answers to. He told me not to worry, but when I didn’t see him for several days, that’s just what I did do.

During Tyler’s absence I overheard several more conversations, mostly phone calls. I even braved searching Sean’s office while he was away, finding a folder containing shipping consignment documents, and took pictures. At the time I didn’t know why they were so important, but when Tyler returned, I told him everything I knew. He asked me to send the pictures to him, and then delete everything from my phone.

Over the next couple of weeks, I watched every move Sean made, it gave me a new focus, taking my mind off the loss of Faye and my mum. A couple of weeks before I ran, Tyler came to me and asked if I could access Sean’s computer. At first, I told Tyler it was impossible, and that if Sean caught me, he’d kill me. Tyler said he understood and left it at that.

A few days later Sean called me to his office, I was nervous, I thought he’d found out what I’d been doing, but I was wrong. No, the bastard had decided that enough time had passed, and we should go ahead with our marriage, and he wanted to try for another baby as soon as possible. I remember how the bile rose in my throat, and my stomach turned over then sank at the thought of having another child. Never, it was never going to happen again. I would never allow myself the joy a child could bring for it to be ripped from me. I would never survive a second time.

That cemented my decision to follow through with Tyler’s plan, but I was adding a stipulation of my own. If I was going to do this, then Tyler had to get me out.

When I put my proposal to him, he agreed instantly and told me he had already begun work on how to get me away safely. The next chance I got, I accessed Sean’s computer and plugged in the little USB Tyler had given me. He said I didn’t need to do anything except plug it in, and it would do the rest.

Then two days later I was gone. I never asked Tyler what he wanted on Sean’s computer and he never told me. I didn’t care, I just wanted to get out and as far away from that monster as I could.

Now Tyler’s dead, and Sean is looking for me. I always knew there was a chance he’d come looking, but the smallest part of me hoped he’d just let me go. I should be so fucking lucky. I just hope that he never finds me, and that no one else has to suffer at his hands because of me.



I wake feeling refreshed, having slept really well considering the heavy conversation last night and my thoughts before finally falling asleep. Talking to Jamie about Faye must have been better for me than I thought.

After showering, I go in search of tea and food. Following the delicious smell of bacon and eggs, I find Jamie in the kitchen cooking breakfast. This girl. If I was a lesbian, I’d marry her tomorrow.

“Morning, how did you sleep?” she asks, as I enter the kitchen.

“Surprisingly well actually. It’s been a while since I slept without nightmares plaguing me all night.” I go to the kettle and start making tea for us both. Jamie is just finishing plating up as I bring the tea over. “I meant to ask, did you talk to your dad about that woman we saw him with?” I say, looking up as I shovel the first forkful in my mouth.

Jamie fidgets in her chair, and then says, “Not exactly, no.” She looks at her plate, pushing the food around it, but not actually eating any of it.

“What does ‘not exactly’ mean, Jamie?” I probe with a smidgen of suspicion in my tone. I may not have known her long but she’s like a damn cat, curiosity always getting the better of her. She’s also just as crafty. “Jamie, what did you do?”

“Well, I may have—erm, I might have followed him,” she states cautiously.

“Jeez, you are insane. Why didn’t you just ask him about it?”

“I was going to, but then I went to see my mum and she seemed upset. Said something that had my spidey sense going haywire, so I thought I’d do a bit of digging.” She finally starts to eat, but I can see the worry on her face.

“And…? Come on, Jamie, spit it out,” I say, throwing her words from last night back at her. She gives me a scowl at my choice of words, and I just laugh, trying to lighten the moment.

“Nothing happened. Well, nothing out of the ordinary.” I can see there is something else bothering her, but I decide not to press. Jamie is not good when pushed. Trust me I know. I remember her telling me what happened when her dad tried to force her into getting a law degree. She went ballistic and went all out the other way, enrolling on an art degree instead. When he realised that she was serious, he relented. Now Jamie does what she always wanted and is a nurse working in the emergency department.

“I’m sure it’s nothing. Maybe they just had an argument and that’s why your mum was upset. And, despite how it looked, I’m sure his meeting with that woman the other week was completely innocent.” I paint on a smile that I hope she doesn’t see right through. Changing the subject, I ask what her plans are for the day, and she tells me she’s working later this afternoon.

Just as we finish up clearing away from breakfast there’s a knock at the door. Jamie goes to answer it while I finish loading the dishwasher. She comes back carrying a box, and I immediately get a sense of deja vu of the last time I got a delivery on a Sunday. I take it from her when she holds it out to me, trying to keep my nerves from getting the better of me. Ripping it open, I tip the contents onto the counter, a brand-new iPhone and a note fall out. I pick up the note first.


I noticed that you don’t have a phone, and well, now you do. I have pre-programed mine and Sully’s numbers in already, in case you need them. I have also loaded a program that prevents anyone from tracking your device, so you don’t need to worry about Sean using the phone to find you.

See you soon, stay out of trouble, or I’ll have to spank that tight little arse of yours. ;)


I’ma little shocked that he signed it Ryder, I thought for sure he’d use the opportunity to take the piss in some way. I’m even more surprised to find that I really love his name. And the spanking my arse, yeah, that elicits little butterflies low in my belly. Ones I never dreamed would return, especially not when threatened with a spanking.