Page 18 of Risk

While I’ve been reading the note, Jamie has the iPhone out of the box and switched on. She passes the phone to me, and I open it up just as a new message comes through from someone labelled ‘Pretty Boy’, I don’t need to be a genius to work that one out. Shaking my head, I open the message.

Pretty Boy: Make sure you setup the facial ID!

Bossy arsehole!

Begrudgingly, I set up the facial recognition and program Jamie’s number in too, then call her so she has mine. I spend the rest of the day doing washing and housework, I even do a little in the garden.

Jamie goes off to work just before four, leaving me on my own. Not too bothered about cooking for just me, I throw in a microwave meal and take out the rubbish while I wait for it. I chuck the bag in the wheelie bin and then drag it down the drive ready for the bin men tomorrow.

Hearing a noise from across the road, I lift my head, but see nothing obvious. I notice that the house across from us is still empty, it’s been up for sale for the last month. Just as I go to turn back to go indoors, I spot a shadow in the upstairs front window, but then it’s gone and seeing the car out front, I assume it’s probably the agent waiting for a viewing, although, it seems a little late. I guess people that work all day don’t have a lot of options.

The microwave pings as I get back inside, and I forget all about the house over the road. I eat my half decent dinner, and then go and run a bath.

I may have overdone the bubbles, but who cares. Getting in, I quickly wash my hair, then lie back and allow the water to do its job. I must have dozed off when I’m suddenly woken by a loud bang. I sit up so fast, water sloshes over the edge of the bath and onto the floor. It’s then I realise the water is tepid, confirming my thoughts about falling asleep. Not hearing anything else, I hastily shave and wash my body, jumping out just as goosebumps appear on my skin, and not the good kind.

Drying off and wrapping a towel around me, I use the other to roughly dry my hair before pulling on some pyjamas. I return the towel to the bathroom, brushing my hair and teeth while I’m there. I grab my new phone off the bed and head downstairs.

As I enter the kitchen, a cold draft creeps over my bare arms and up the bottom of my pyjamas. Looking around for the source of the cold air, I notice the door to the utility room is open. The hairs on my arms stand to attention as I walk towards it, and a little fear crawls into my throat. The only lighting is from the downlights below the cupboards, and it casts eerie shadows around the room. I slowly push the utility room door open fully, and as the room comes in to view, I see that the back door is open.

The room is only small, one side houses the washing machine and tumble dryer and the other has a sink unit and a few wall cupboards. The back door is at the other end of the small room, and from my position I can see straight out to the pitch-black garden.

Seeing nothing out of the ordinary in the room, I hurry to close the back door, making sure to lock it and removing the key just to be on the safe side. I’m almost certain that I closed it earlier when I came in from the garden, obviously, I didn’t. I double check the door is secure before making my way back to the kitchen.

Feeling on edge, I switch the main kitchen light on, going to the lounge and doing the same. Back in the kitchen I make myself a hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. Hoping that the overindulgent drink will ease my fear somewhat.

I settle on the sofa, pulling the throw from the back and snuggle up under it. I flick through the channels, finding nothing, and just as I’m about to give up, Julia Roberts and Richard Gere fill the screen. Ah, one of my all-time favourites.

I wake bleary eyed,a complete contrast to the day before. After dragging myself out of bed, I quickly dress for work in a pair of black cigarette trousers and a black shirt. Throwing on a pair of nude heels and grabbing a matching purse before heading downstairs.

There is no sign of Jamie, but I’m not surprised after her late shift last night. Not having a car means I have to rely on Jamie or public transport, which I’m lucky enough to have right on my doorstep.

Making sure I have everything, I open the front door and crash into…looking up, a hard chest belonging to— “Blue! What are you doing here?” Then I spot the two men standing next to a car parked on the street. “What’s going on, is something wrong?” When I look back at him, he’s openly staring at me, eyes hooded and blatant desire shines in his eyes. It suddenly feels extremely hot out here, despite the early spring chill in the air. Waving my hand in front of his face, his gaze locks back on to mine. “Are you done eyeing me up like I’m your next meal?” I jest.

Snapping out of it, he grabs my hand, leading me down the path, “Hey! Hold on I need to shut the door,” I say, as I pull against his hold on me. For a split second, his grip tightens before letting me go completely. I rush back, pulling the door shut and double checking it’s closed fully before moving back to Blue, who immediately takes up my hand again. Feeling nervous now, I ask him again what’s wrong.

“Nothing, everything is fine. I came to introduce you to your security detail,” he replies, as we approach the two men.

Both are standing with their hands in front of their bodies, hands crossed over like soldiers and dressed in black suits. The one on the left is wearing sunglasses making it difficult for me to get a good read on him and it makes me weary. He’s tall, around 6’ with almost black hair that’s cut close on the sides, a little longer on top, but not as long as Blue’s. He has a strong jaw and a few days growth that makes his baby face more manly. He appears to be about the same age as me, probably in his mid to late twenties. He offers a simple head nod as Blue introduces him as Scott.

Turning to the guy on the right, who Blue tells me is Russ, I’m greeted by warm brown eyes and a smile that no doubt has the ladies tripping over themselves to get in his bed. Russ is a little older, early thirties maybe, there are flecks of grey peppering his dark brown hair. He’s lean and slightly taller than me, and I notice a tattoo hidden below the cuff of his suit jacket, but I can’t make out what.

Blue tells me that they will drive me to and from work every day and anywhere else I need to go. To say I’m pissed about this arrangement would be the understatement of the fucking year. And it’s so far from what I agreed with Rick, it’s out the ballpark as the Americans would say. I wear my distaste like a badge, but all that does is have Blue chuckling like a five-year-old. The man is insufferable.

I quietly fume all the way to work, while Russ attempts to talk to me, but I reply with short and to the point answers. Scott drives, and apart from the occasional grunt doesn’t say a word. The man has some serious ‘don’t poke the bear’ vibes going on.

The rest of my day goes by quickly, as does the whole week. I don’t see or hear from Blue at all.

Returning from lunch on Friday,Gloria the receptionist on my floor, tells me that I had a delivery while I was out, and she put it on my desk. Adding what a lucky lady I am. Confused by her comment, I head to my desk, but as I round the corner, I don’t even need to go any further. Sitting on my desk is a huge bouquet of black lilies. Before I can catch my breath or take another step, my eyes glaze over, black spots appearing in front of me, and my legs give out from underneath me.

I come to laid out on a couch in one of the offices. I try to sit up but am stopped by a large hand on my shoulder, and when I look up, I’m met by those sky-blue eyes I’m coming to love an awful lot.

“Take it easy, don’t try to get up too quickly, you might have banged your head when you fainted.” I bristle at his words, which is a little unfair given he has no clue how many times I’ve likely had a concussion over the years. Refusing to be fussed over, I sit up, and this time I brush his hand away when he tries to stop me.

“I’m fine, stop fussing.” I swing my legs round so I’m facing him from his position kneeling on the floor. “What are you doing here anyway?” My head feels a little woozy, and my mouth is dry. Licking my lips to moisten then a bit, Blue notices and passes me a bottle of water from the floor beside him. I take it, gratefully. Before he can answer, the door opens and Sandra, my head of department, pops her head in.

“Ahh, Cam, it’s good see you’re okay.” Then she turns her attention to Blue. “Your car is out front and ready when you are Mr. Hawkins.” Blue thanks her, and then she tells me she’ll see me Monday.

“What does she mean she’ll see me Monday? I still have half a day of work to do,” I exclaim.