They dozed and woke again, still twined in each other’s arms. As the faint light of dawn crept over the horizon, Bree slipped out of bed and went outside. She wanted a few minutes alone to bid goodbye to this place – and to the love she would leave here.

She walked along the placid shores of the oasis, staying clear of the marshy area with its tangle of reeds and water hyacinths. Too well, she remembered her first morning and the crocodile hiding in the shallows. A rustling in the tall bushes surrounding the marsh made her turn her head.

A lion stood motionless at the edge of the clearing, less than a hundred yards away.

Bree stifled a scream. Time stopped. Scenes flashed through her head – mangled bodies dragged away while still alive, massive jaws ripping into Hassan. She remembered a lecture she heard once about how to survive an attack by a bear. The speaker said to play dead. She had no idea if that would work with a lion. But it didn’t matter. She was frozen, unable to fall on the ground and curl into a fetal position. Unable to make a sound.

“Do not move.”

The whispered command came from her left. Bree kept her head still and swiveled her eyes. Tahraz stood at the door of his tent, stark naked, a huge spear in his hand.

“If you run, the beast will attack. When I give a shout, drop to the ground.”

She nodded, a barely perceptible inclination of her head, but enough to let Tahraz know she had heard him.

With a bloodcurdling yell, Tahraz raced at the lion. The huge creature roared and charged straight for him, covering yards with every stride. Bree threw herself down, then watched in horror as the lion sprang. Tahraz stopped dead, planting the spear in front of him. The creature flew through the air, bellowing as it impaled itself. Momentum carried the lion forward, knocking Tahraz over. Man and beast crumpled to the ground in a heap.

“Tahraz!” Terrified, Bree jumped up and ran toward him. He was covered in blood, trying to pull himself out from under the enormous body. At first, she thought all the blood came from the lion. Then she saw the gaping wound in his chest, where the animal’s vicious claws had ripped away his flesh as it was dying. She sank to her knees, cradling his head in her lap, and burst into tears.

Tahraz stretched out his hand and brushed away a teardrop running down her cheek. “Bilquis, Queen of Sheba, I have fallen hopelessly in love with you. My heart is heavy at the thought of facing each day without you by my side. Will you be my suiltaana? Will you stay with me here in the al ain as we rule this land together?”

“Yes, oh yes,” she sobbed. “I love you Tahraz. I would be proud to be your suiltaana. I’ll never leave you. You’re going to live a long life. After I nurse you back to health, we’ll ride together again across the desert to the ancient city. We’ll walk hand in hand through the silent streets at twilight. You’ll tell me all the tales again – and then we’ll make love under the stars.”

He brought her hand to his lips. “May the gods be merciful and grant us a long life together.”

Bree closed her eyes. And still the tears fell.