When he captured the first pawn, Tahraz spoke. “It has been my honor to engage with you in this contest, Queen Bilquis. I have learned much from these games – as I have learned much from our conversations.”

“Thank you, my lord suiltaan,” she replied. “I, too, have been honored to spend this time becoming acquainted with you – and with my sisters in the hareem.”

Tahraz frowned. He could scarcely rebuke her, but he was disappointed to be put in the same category as his women. He debated the wisdom of ending this charade and turning her over his knee to spank her into submission, thrashing her until she tearfully admitted she wanted him as much as he wanted her. With any other female, he would already have done it.

Curses be to the gods. Look what she’s done to you. Filled your head with these strange notions of men and women coming together as equals, both in games of skill and games of the heart. If she wins and goes back to Mahrib, at least you’ll be rid of her. She’ll be out of your sight and out of your fantasies.

But never out of my heart.

It took admitting the truth to silence his raging cock. With Bilquis, he wanted something he’d never had before. He wanted her to choose him, freely and openly, without coercion or fear.

Tahraz played as he had never played before, determined to be the victor.

* * *

Bree fought. She brought all her skill and knowledge to the table, along with her insight into the suiltaan’s personality. Still, he surprised her. Too late, she realized he’d been sandbagging in the last two games. He’d become a much better player than he let on.

She moved then saw the trap. There was no escape, nowhere to run. In two moves, he’d take her queen then corner the king. Hands shaking, Bree laid the piece on its side, signaling surrender, and bowed her head.

Tahraz came around the table and knelt in front of her. He took her face in his hands.

“Queen Bilquis, as the victor of our contest, I release you from your wager. It has been both a joy and an honor to spend time with you. Getting to know you as a fellow ruler, learning from you, having you share your customs and beliefs with me and my people.

“It would be wrong of me to demand that so worthy an opponent forfeit something as priceless as her freedom over the outcome of a few evenings of entertainment. You are no longer my captive. You have earned the right to be treated as my honored guest. You may leave whenever you want. My guards will escort you safely back to your land, and you may choose a companion from my hareem to accompany you on your journey.”

Bree stared at him in shock. She’d been prepared to hear him gloat, part of her hoping she could block out her love for him with anger. Instead he’d done something incredibly sensitive.

For the first time in her life, Bree shoved logic and reason aside and followed her heart.I might suffer the pain, the loss, for as long as I live – but I’ll have one night of pure ecstasy no one can ever take away.

She pulled off her veil. “My lord suiltaan, you have proven yourself a man of honor. Your generous offer is deeply appreciated. I will leave this place with sadness in my heart, for I have grown to love this al ain…and its people. But I, too, am an honorable person. You won our contest fairly. If you will grant me time to prepare, on this, my last night here, it would bring me great joy to kneel before you willingly and submit to whatever my lord desires.”

She knelt in the required position – legs spread wide apart, hands clasped behind her back, upper body bent forward till her forehead rested on the thick carpet. Every secret of her most private parts was exposed – to be viewed, to be fondled, to be violated. Her luxurious mane of dark hair was loose, flowing in waves down her back and curling over her shoulders to veil her face.

The air was filled with the heady perfume of incense, and she could see the clay oil lamps flickering through a thin haze of smoke. Somewhere in the distance, a lone drummer began a strange, compelling rhythm. The drumbeat grew louder, as one by one other tribesmen joined in.

She could feel the vibrations, raw passion seeping into her soul as the tempo quickened. She was shaking all over, but not from cold, although she was nearly naked. She dared not move. He would come very soon, she was sure. This was the night he’d been anticipating – preparing her for ever so patiently, even at times ruthlessly, over the long hot days and endless nights…

It was all she could have imagined – and more. Tahraz entered the tent, moving softly as a panther. She felt him draw near, felt his hot breath on her neck. He swept aside the thick mane of hair flowing down her back.

Kisses rained down her spine. She moaned when the kisses continued, traveling down the cleft between her rear cheeks. Tongue followed lips. Sucking, licking, delicately teasing all the places he’d boldly explored on the nights when she’d been lying helpless over his lap.

Bree felt helpless again, Helpless to resist. He moved slowly, drawing out every thrilling sensation. She felt the hard length of him, rubbing against the lips of her pussy until she thought she could bear it no longer. She rocked her hips back, trying to draw him in, but he backed away.

“No, please. Please don’t stop,” she moaned.

He lifted her in his powerful arms and laid her on the padded chaise. “I do not plan to stop, my queen,” he declared. “You have given yourself to me this night, and I, in turn, give myself to you.”

Tahraz moved over her, locked his eyes on hers – and thrust deep. Her scream was muffled by his kiss as he took her mouth with savage hunger. Outside, the drums kept up their primitive beat. She met every stroke, drawing him in as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

It was everything she had dreamed.

Their lovemaking went on for hours. Tahraz was insatiable. He took her first one way, then another. Bree came again and again, each thrilling orgasm a prologue to the next. He took her higher than she’d ever been before.

Finally, the suiltaan gave up his iron control. He roared as hot jets of cum spurted out, bathing her inner walls and triggering one last soul-shattering climax.

Later, cradled in the his arms with her head resting on his chest, Bree confessed how long she’d secretly hungered for this night. Later still, she knelt over him with a naughty smile. He watched her, his piercing blue eyes dark with lust, struggling to remain still as her fingers and her tongue traced a path down his chest.

When at last she drew him into her mouth, he gave a low groan and buried his hands in her hair. The pleasure she felt at bringing him such pleasure filled her heart to bursting.