Page 23 of Her Lord's Law

Edward smiled and reached out and drew her to him. She laid her head against his chest. “That’s correct, Lucy. You are a very special little girl just like your sister. You need a strong man to make sure you behave. Your bottom needs to be paddled and spanked whenever you step out of line. You might not want to admit it, and I know you have so much more to learn but, little one, if you look deep inside and are honest with yourself, I believe you will find the truth of what you need.” He paused and allowed his words to sink in. His glance flitted to his own little-girl wife and saw she was nodding. He smiled knowing that it was still new to Louisa as well, but that she was finally admitting that she needed what he provided. He knew she was discovering that she not only needed it, she loved and craved both his harsh discipline and his demands of her body. She saw him watching her and smiled up at him even with concern for her sister written all over her face.

“Lucy… we don’t have to go out. We can just celebrate at home. I-I don’t want you to feel ashamed of… of me.”

“Oh, Louisa, I could never be ashamed of you. I love you with all my heart. Thank you, sir. May we all go out to supper?”

Edward had been proud of her at the school, but his pride grew as she reassured her sister of her love and her support. Nodding, he said, “I’d like nothing more than to escort the two sweetest little girls in the city out for supper. We shall have our lunch and then, after Louisa takes her nap, we shall have plenty of time for you to put on your prettiest dresses and we shall have a wonderful dinner.” He saw Louisa’s smile falter and knew she was about to ask not to have to take her nap.

He gave her a warning look and shook his head, “Only after your nap, little lady. You know you need a nap and I don’t want a cranky, sleepy little girl sitting at the restaurant.”

Louisa flushed but nodded, “Yes, sir.”

Edward took their hands and led them up the stairs. He related the news of Lucy’s success to Mrs. Bremmer who was quick to enfold the young woman in a warm hug and praise her. Though it was obvious from her gasp that Lucy was startled, she quickly recovered, returning the housekeeper’s embrace and thanking her. They sat down to lunch and laughed and talked about various things. Edward realized it was the most relaxed meal that had taken place in the house since Lucy’s arrival. When the last plate had been taken, Edward pushed away from the table and held out his hand to his wife.

“Come, little one. I’ll tuck you into bed.” Louisa seemed to want to argue, but sighed and took his hand. Lucy stood as well and walked with them as far as the hallway.

“Have a good nap, Louisa,” Lucy said as the two walked up the stairs. Louisa turned her head back to give her sister a smile and a small wave.

Chapter 13

Lucy continued down the hall and entered the library. She began to comb the shelves for a book that would allow her to enter a world that didn’t reflect her own. She wanted to read of princes who saved the damsels of the world and made them princesses. She wanted to read about heroes who were strong and tall and who made every woman want to be chosen to belong to him. She wanted to read about love and happiness. She giggled, realizing that she wanted to read anything other than a column of mathematical problems. Realizing that her school days were indeed over, she smiled brightly. Pulling her choice off the shelf, she settled back in a big overstuffed chair, her feet tucked up beneath her and opened her book.

After half an hour, she found the story wasn’t holding her attention. Her eyes were drooping closed. She yawned and discovered she was very tired. All the tension of the past several days was finally affecting her. She rose, replaced her book on the shelf and walked up the stairs. Louisa might not have wanted to nap but Lucy found she wanted nothing more. She entered her room and slipped out of her shoes. She began to lie down on the bed and winced as her corset pinched her waist. Sighing, she pulled the bell cord for Molly, suddenly envious of the way Louisa was allowed to dress. It must be lovely to be able to go without the horrid constricting corset all day.

Molly entered and helped Lucy disrobe. As Lucy gave a huge sigh of relief once her corset was removed and then laughed, Molly smiled. “Pardon me for saying so, miss, but I can’t help but think it is rather silly to wear something that is so uncomfortable, simply for fashion,” she said, laying the corset aside in order to tuck her mistress into bed.

“I find I quite agree,” Lucy said with a huge yawn, her eyes already closing as Molly quietly picked up the discarded clothing, returning it to the armoire.

Lucy awoke a few hours later, feeling far more rested and excited about the outing. She again called for Molly and the two girls chatted while they worked to prepare Lucy for an evening out. As Molly held up yet another dress that Lucy considered, she was thinking of exactly what her twin would be wearing. She had seen Louisa dressed in juvenile clothing when they attended church but would Edward also require she enter a restaurant dressed as a child? She blushed at the thought and again wished she could speak to her sister about the choice she had made.

“Please, Miss Lucy, you must decide. It wouldn’t do for you to be late for your own celebration,” Molly pleaded as she pulled another dress from the wardrobe.

It was a lovely sapphire blue with white lace at the cuffs and throat. Lucy nodded and agreed that it would do nicely. She was soon back into her corset and holding her breath as Molly pulled hard on the laces. Once they were tied, several undergarments were stepped into and garters tied around stockings before the dress was finally slipped over her head. Lucy stood still as Molly worked the dozens of tiny buttons into their loops down her back. It took another half hour before her hair had been brushed and arranged into a pleasing hairstyle. As Molly pushed yet another pin into her scalp and Lucy yelped, she thought of her sister’s hair. It was always either loose and hanging down her back, tied back with ribbons, or plaited to keep it out of her face. Lucy realized she couldn’t actually remember the last fashionable adult style dress Louisa had worn. Her obvious joy had made her a stunning bride even though Lucy remembered her wearing a very simple wedding dress. Molly’s declaration that she was ready pulled Lucy from her thoughts, and she thanked Molly for her assistance.

As they stood to leave the room, Molly spoke quietly, “I’m very happy for you, Miss Lucy. I was worried you might not pass even though we all knew you worked very hard.”

Lucy blushed knowing the entire household was well aware of what all had transpired the past several days. She found she couldn’t fault Molly. “Thank you, Molly. I’m very, very glad as well. Perhaps I can stay away from that horrid study from now on.”

Though Molly seemed a bit shocked at the casual way the words were spoken, she couldn’t contain a small grin. The two were giggling as they left Lucy’s room and descended the stairs.

Edward was at the bottom of the staircase and Lucy saw him looking up at the sound of their laughter. She faltered until she realized he was smiling. She smiled back and was soon standing on the last step. He still towered over her and she was suddenly struck by his size.

“You look lovely, Lucille,” he said, taking her hand and guiding her into the parlor. She saw Louisa jump up from a chair and smiled. Her sister’s dress surprised her. She was wearing a violet dress that was a bit more age appropriate, though Lucy noticed her curves were still soft and it was obvious she wasn’t corseted. The hem was longer, no large bows decorated her waist. Louisa’s hair was also tied back at the nape of her neck to hang in soft curls down her back.

Louisa smiled. “I love that dress, Lucy. It is so beautiful on you.”

The sincerity of her sister’s compliment caused Lucy to smile, her heart full with love for her twin. “You look quite pretty as well, Louisa. That color perfectly matches your eyes.” Lucy realized that Edward had allowed his wife to wear the perfect compromise between the very youthful dress Louisa had worn earlier to the fashionable dress that Lucy was presently wearing.

She watched her sister blush and realized that she’d been worried about being judged by someone who had loved her every moment since they’d been conceived at the same exact moment. Lucy once again wished she could speak more feely with her sister and yet had to settle with giving her twin a huge hug and another smile.

Edward didn’t give them time to become uncomfortable. “It’s time to go, girls.” They followed him out of the house and were soon in the carriage. Lucy watched as her sister sat next to her husband, her small hand on his arm. Edward smiled down at his wife and then moved to place his arm around her and draw her closer to his side. Lucy couldn’t help but wonder what Edward was thinking as he saw the twins, so identical and yet so different. Not in the way they dressed… after all that was simply clothing and could easily be changed as he’d demonstrated both at church and tonight. She was more interested in what he thought of how she wasn’t as easily swayed to give up her independence or to keep her thoughts to herself and simply agree with him simply because he had been born male. Shaking her head, Lucy felt a bit ashamed of her thoughts as it was quite obvious that Edward not only found his wife to be lovely, he loved exactly as she was. When Louisa sighed in contentment, her smile radiant, Lucy finally accepted the fact that she didn’t need to understand all that she’d learned over the past few days because she had no doubt that the two truly loved each other.

The dinner was a success. Lucy was amazed at how beautiful everything was, from the fine linens to the heavily engraved silverware at each place setting. Lush floral arrangements were arranged in heavy crystal vases that adorned each table. Soft candlelight bathed the room with a soft glow. Plump, soft cushions on the chairs assured a comfortable seat as she looked about the room full of women in beautiful gowns escorted by men in their best attire. The atmosphere was hushed but elegant. Edward allowed them each a small glass of champagne in order to participate in the toast of her graduation. Lucy could only smile as Louisa pushed him by pouting when he refused her another.

“But, Papa, it’s only bubbles!” Louisa said, with a sigh as she set her empty flute down a bit hard.

Lucy watched as Edward bent toward his wife and whispered something in her ear. Whatever it was had Louisa flushing and shaking her head quite vehemently and being perfectly behaved for the rest of the meal. Lucy might have been ignorant of the quietly spoken words, but recent experiences gave her a very good idea of what her guardian had said to quell any argument.

Lucy had just taken her first bite of a delicious chocolate mousse when a couple approached their table. She watched as Edward stood and shook the hand of a tall, older man.