Page 24 of Her Lord's Law

“Good evening, George. It’s lovely to see you again, Lady Eddinberg.” Edward kissed the woman’s cheek and she smiled.

“Thank you, Lord Wintercrest. It’s lovely to see you as well. How nice to see you out and about with your lovely bride—and who is this lovely young woman?” she asked, her gaze taking in Lucy and her twin seated at his table.

Edward smiled and introduced his ward. “Let me introduce my wife’s sister, Miss Lucille Furniss. She has come to live with us as my ward. Lucille, this is Lord and Lady Eddinberg.”

Lucy nodded her head, trying to decide if the woman addressing her was also considered her husband’s little girl. The woman was tall and elegant and spoke easily but there seemed to be something about the couple. After a moment, she realized she hadn’t responded to the introduction and flushed.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said using her best manners. The couple smiled down at her.

“We are celebrating Lucille’s recent graduation,” Edward explained.

The woman clapped her hands and her husband smiled down at her. “That’s wonderful. I am sure we shall see you at many of the upcoming parties and balls. If you don’t mind me saying, Lord Wintercrest, I do believe your house will soon be full of many suitors for your ward. She is simply beautiful.” Lucy flushed at the compliment and then thought about what had been said. She glanced up at Edward, who was smiling.

“I suppose they shall try, Lady Eddinberg but, believe me, it will take a very special suitor for my ward.”

Lord Eddinberg chuckled and nodded, “That’s right, Edward. Make sure you keep those chaps in line. It wouldn’t do to allow just anyone such a prize as this lovely woman. If she is anything like your own dear little wife, she will need a certain type of man indeed. I trust you will find the most suitable mate for your ward.”

Lucy flushed even hotter as she tried to imagine what the couple must be thinking. Did they know how the Lady of Wintercrest was treated? They certainly didn’t appear surprised at the more youthful way Louisa was dressed nor concerned with the fact that the young woman remained silent at the table.

Lucy’s attention was returned to the couple when Lord Eddinberg said, “Congratulations, my dear, on your graduation. I’m sure you will continue your lessons in the school of life with Lord Wintercrest as your professor. My wife and I shall look forward to hearing of your future engagement. I wager you won’t have long to wait. Trust your guardian to do what is best for you, my dear.”

Lucy flushed, wondering again if she was hearing hidden meanings in this elegant man’s words. Not knowing what to say, she simply said, “Thank you, sir.” The older couple left and Edward again took his seat. They were interrupted twice more and the same conversation took place. Edward sighed and finally signaled for the check.

“I guess it is my own fault,” he said as he paid the bill. “You can’t expect to bring the prettiest girls out on the town and be left to dine in peace now can you?”

Lucy took the last bite of her dessert and saw she wasn’t the only one to find pleasure at his words as her twin smiled and blushed as well. The drive home seemed to go too quickly and before Lucy knew it, Louisa was being led up the stairs by Mrs. Bremmer.

“I want to stay up and talk to Lucy!” she whined, and attempted to pull away from the housekeeper.

“I don’t believe what you want matters, missy. Your papa has set your bedtime and you are already well past it. Now, unless you’d like to go to bed with a well-warmed bottom, I suggest you pick up your feet and stop whining.”

Louisa sighed, looking over at her sister but nodded. “Yes, ma’am. Good night, Lucy.”

“Good night,” Lucy returned, feeling herself at a bit of a loss as her sister disappeared up the stairs. Without being told to go to her room to study, she found she didn’t know what was expected of her. She glanced at the clock on the mantle to see that it was only a little after ten.

“Louisa needs her sleep and has a bedtime of half past eight,” Edward said, drawing her attention back to him. “It was a very special occasion this evening so I allowed her to stay up a bit longer. I feel this would be a good time to speak with you about your future unless, of course, you are too tired and wish to retire as well?”

Lucy was a little surprised and found she was a little hesitant. While she desperately wanted to talk about this man’s rules and expectations with her sister, she was somewhat reluctant to have that conversation with him. However, when he held out his hand, she found herself putting hers into it. They walked into the library and it was only then that she relaxed.

Evidently able to read her thoughts, Edward said, “Not all our private talks will take place in my study or involve discipline, Lucy. Only your behavior will decide if there will be any pain for your bottom as well as a discussion.” He smiled and he released her hand to allow her to take a seat, taking the chair opposite hers. “I would like to hear your thoughts, Lucille, on anything that concerns you. You have no need to be frightened by any question you might ask, as long as you do so in a respectful manner.”

Lucy took several deep breaths remembering the last time she’d shouted at this man and the price her bottom had paid. Taking his latest words to heart and knowing she’d not earned any punishment, she finally nodded her head. She thanked him again for the wonderful outing and then she shyly asked if what Lady Eddinberg said was true. “Will I really have suitors, sir?”

Edward sat back in his chair, seeming a little surprised that her first question hadn’t been one demanding he explain his rules. She couldn’t fault him as she hadn’t expected that question to be the first thing that popped into her head, yet she discovered she really would like to hear his answer.

He smiled and answered, “Yes, my dear. I fear you shall have several.”

“You fear?”

Chuckling, he nodded. “I simply mean that you are a very beautiful woman, Lucille, and will draw the attention of most every available bachelor. That alone assures that, as your guardian, I shall have a lot to deal with. However, beauty is not the greatest gift you have to offer, and I want you to remember that you will only be allowed to court those men whom I decide are suitable. I warn you now, my criteria are very strict, and I doubt that many will meet my expectations.”

Lucy listened, a bit unsure how to proceed and wondering what possible gifts she had for any suitor. Setting that question aside, she shyly forced herself to ask another. “What of my expectations, sir? Shouldn’t the choice be mine?”

Laughing as if he found her quite amusing, he shook his head. “Hardly, Lucy. Your father agreed that I was the proper one for Louisa and, Lucille, he also made it clear of the type of man he wanted to be your mate. I find I not only agree with his desires but, having you as my ward, have decided his requirements were still far too lenient for you, little one.”

Lucy was suddenly missing her father and wished she could speak to both of her parents. “What… what did my father wish for me, sir?”

Edward took his time as if seriously considering her question and didn’t speak for several minutes. And when he answered, it was with a question of his own. “I believe you can answer your own question, wouldn’t you agree? After all, you are your sister’s twin. Your father wanted the very best for both of you.”