Page 18 of A Little Atonement

Chapter Seven

Elena woke to find herself tucked into her new bed, her unicorn cradled in her arms. She wondered what she was supposed to feel, searching her emotions and then smiling as she realized that there was no rule about how to feel… her emotions, her feelings were hers alone. And going by the fact that she felt warm, secure, and comfy—well, except for the slight ache in her bottom when she rolled onto her back—she was not only content, she was happier than she could ever remember being.

Her eyes drifted over the quilt, the bed, the dresser, and the rocker where she last remembered being. Liam had really done an incredible job. It was like he’d looked into her heart and pulled out what she’d always imagined as the perfect room to grow up in. The soft colors, the bookshelf full of books and toys that had been built beneath the bay window, all called for a little girl to worry about nothing, knowing that her daddy would take care of everything. Wiggling her toes in her footed pjs, she giggled. He’d even made sure that his little one would be nice and cozy when put to bed.

Bed… well, yes, she had slept in this one and had slept well. She hadn’t tossed and turned or awakened with a start after crying out in her sleep. But, if she were honest, she’d much rather be curled up against Liam’s body in his big bed. He’d said they’d make love but when? She wiggled again, remembering the feel of his hard cock as he’d rocked her. It wasn’t like he didn’t want her and after stroking her during her bath, he’d surely known she was desperate for him to take her, so why hadn’t he yet done so? When she’d been his submissive, he hadn’t placed her in a corner after he’d spanked her. He’d placed her on her knees and unzipped his pants. She’d kneel, her bottom throbbing, her eyes on his hands as he pulled his cock from his pants, watching as he stroked himself from root to tip. She’d lift her eyes to his and wait. He’d place his hand at the back of her head, pulling her forward and smearing her lips with the pre-cum oozing from his cock. Only when her lips were coated would he speak the command to open. She’d swallow hard, open her mouth, and accept his shaft between her lips.

“What are you doing?”

Shrieking, Elena’s heart pounded as she looked up to discover Liam in the doorway. It took a moment before she realized that she’d drawn her legs up and her hand was beneath the quilt rubbing against her sex. Snatching her hand free, she felt her face heat and her bottom clench.

“I-I didn’t mean to. I was thinking about you. I’m sorry…”

“Little girls do not rub themselves, Elena Michelle.”

“I know, but—”

“No buts,” he said, crossing the room in far too few steps. Pulling the quilt and sheet back, he reached for her. “I didn’t expect to have to demonstrate the effectiveness of this drop seat so quickly, but you just admitted you knew better.”

“No, Daddy, please don’t spank me!”

“Yes, Elena, every time you are naughty, remember?” He pulled her across his knee, dropping his leg over hers and had the buttons undone and the drop seat lowered before she could blink. The first swat landed and was immediately followed by another.

“Daddy, I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!”

“Won’t do what, Elena?”

“I won’t touch myself down… down there! Ow, please, Daddy!”

Her plea didn’t stop his hand from landing, swat after swat alternating from cheek to cheek. When she thought he was done, she discovered he’d only paused to pull down her new panties. The spanking resumed on her bare bottom. It didn’t take near as many strokes to have her squirming and bucking as her bottom was still tender from her first trip over his lap only a few hours earlier.

“Who is the only one allowed to touch your pussy, Elena?”

“You are.”

“Who decides when you get to come?”

“You do… ow, please!”

Each crack of his palm caused a new cry as the fire built.

“And who earns a spanking every single time she is naughty?”

“I do!” she wailed her answer, her feet drumming against the floor, her hands clutching the colorful rag rug beside her bed.

“That’s right. You do. And the next time Daddy catches you with your fingers anywhere near where they don’t belong, you will not only get your bottom spanked, you will then bend over the bed, lift up onto your toes, and offer your red, hot bottom to my belt. Is that clear?”

“Yes! Yes, Daddy!”

He gave her another dozen hard swats before his palm rested against her fiery flesh. After a few minutes, he lifted her and seated her on his knee, her hiss of pain ignored as her poor posterior took her weight. He held her as she cried, stroking down her back until she was only giving an occasional sniffle.

“Looks like I’m going to have to lay in a big supply of handkerchiefs, doesn’t it?” he asked, producing a fresh one from his pocket and holding it to her nose. She blew hard, not caring that she was being helped, just knowing that with her nose running like a faucet and her tears clogging her throat, it was hard to catch her breath.

“Thank you,” she managed, wiping a hand across her cheek.

“You’re welcome,” he said, giving her a hug and a kiss on her forehead before moving her to stand. “See that little stool?”

She almost groaned, spying it in the corner. “Yes, sir.”