Page 17 of A Little Atonement

“It’s… it’s perfect,” she said. “Oh, it’s more than I’d ever imagined. Thank you, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome, Elena. I’m so glad you like it. Now, let’s get you dressed and down for a nap.”

Setting her down, he went to the dresser and began opening drawers as she turned in a slow circle, taking in her room again. Making his choices, Liam moved toward the rocker and took a seat.

“Come here, sweetie.”

Once she had, he removed the towel, noticing she couldn’t suppress a shiver.

“Are you cold?”

“A little,” she admitted.

“Another reason to fatten you up a bit. Until then, I’ll dress you warmly.”

“When did you buy little clothes?” she asked as he held up a pair of panties decorated with another family of ducks.

“I’ve been shopping and preparing your room for a long time,” he said as she stepped into the underwear. “I picked out things I thought you’d enjoy and things I knew I would. Like this.” He unfolded the item he’d taken from the drawer and her mouth dropped open.

“They make those for big people?”

“You’d be surprised to learn that if you know where to shop, you can find anything you can imagine for any size person. Do you like it?”

“I don’t know. Does it have one of those openings… you know, in the back?”

“A drop seat?” Liam provided the correct name with a grin. “It sure does. How else are you supposed to go potty easily when it’s cold?”

“Unzip it?”

“No, that would take too long and you’d get cold pulling it down, which negates the purpose. With a drop seat, it will be very easy for you to go potty or for your daddy to lower the flap, pull your panties down, and spank your bottom if you are naughty. Isn’t that a nice touch?”

She shook her head, her cheeks flushed, but didn’t hesitate to lift her feet as he helped her into the garment. Once he’d zipped her from ankle to chin, she looked exactly as he’d imagined. Freshly bathed, smelling of lavender, wrapped in soft fuzzy footed pajamas, with a smile on her face, she was the picture of a precious little one ready for bed.


“Yes, sir.”

Pulling her onto his lap, he held her for a few minutes, rocking slowly as she rested her cheek against his chest. This, right now, this very moment, was what he’d yearned for. He’d begun to lose hope that he’d ever experience the perfection of holding the one woman he loved with his entire soul in his arms, rocking her, listening to her soft breaths as the tension she’d been living with began to truly drain away.


“Yes, sweetie?”

“When I said I needed my daddy… I-I didn’t mean I don’t need you—Liam—too.”

“I know that, honey, and believe me, I understand. But there are going to be new rules.”

“Will… will you… will we ever… make love again?”

“Yes, Elena. We will make love for the rest of our lives. I haven’t forgotten you are a woman, Elena. I haven’t forgotten what it’s like to hold you in my arms as I caress you, as I make love to you. I promise, my dream is to fulfill every one of your needs. Trust me, there will be fucking.”

She giggled and squirmed, and he knew she could easily feel his erection beneath her bottom. “Daddy, you said a naughty word. Maybe I should spank you.”

He chuckled. “Trust me as well when I say the only spanking that will be done will be by me. Now, are you ready to be tucked in or would you like a story?”

“A story, please.”

He smiled and picked up the book and began to read as he continued to rock. By the time he read the last page, she was sound asleep. Laying the book aside, he didn’t tuck her into her bed right away. Instead, he continued to rock her, cherishing the feel of her in his arms.