Page 13 of A Little Atonement

His fingers squeezed hers. “Exactly. You said that I wasn’t to blame, but, Elena, I am also responsible… as the man who not only loves you but has accepted the gift of your submission and who has taken on the responsibility of helping you become the best person you can be, having you doubt any of that means I’ve failed. You said you realized you’d thrown away the gift I’d given you but, Elena, you also robbed me of the gift you’d given me. You took away part of my heart, my very soul when you ran. You said you came back because you need your daddy. Don’t you see, that Daddy needs you? Will always need you?”

She felt tears welling as he spoke so softly, his eyes locked with hers, the love and sincerity in them so intense that she could barely breathe.

“I’m so sorry, Daddy.”

“Say that again.”

“I’m so—”

“No, the last word.”


When he nodded, his entire face lighting up, she realized that it was the first time she’d addressed him as her daddy since she’d returned.

“I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, baby girl. Very, very much.” He pulled her closer, wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. Pulling away, he kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m still going to roast your bottom, but never ever doubt that you are the most important person on this earth to your daddy.”

She couldn’t speak for the lump in her throat, but she nodded and that seemed like it was enough. He guided her again, this time positioning her to lie prone on the couch, her legs supported on one side, her torso on the other, her bare bottom—his target—centered perfectly over his lap. Experience had taught her that as comfortable as the position was, it didn’t make it her favorite. Not when she knew it meant he could spank a very long time without the blood racing to her head as it would do if she hung upside down over his knee. It also meant there would be a consequence to pay if she didn’t keep her legs down… if she kicked up, her bottom would not be his sole target. The backs of her thighs would be added into the equation. A naughty girl who’d earned a spanking was expected to behave during its delivery.

She felt her sweater being pushed up further and obediently lifted herself slightly so that it could be moved out of his way, lowering back down when the soft cashmere rested beneath her breasts. His palm rubbed against her bare buttocks, fingers stroking as if to familiarize themselves with the topography they’d not traveled in quite a while. When she felt him give each cheek a final, soft pat, she knew it was time.

Despite those swats when she’d been naughty in the corner, this first stroke still startled her. The second had her gasping. Had it been so long since she’d been spanked that she had forgotten how much it truly stung? And this was only his hand. Granted, his hand was so large that he could almost completely cover one of her buttocks. By the sixth, she’d pressed her cheek harder into the cushion in front of her and dug her toes into the one behind. She was determined to accept her punishment with dignity.

“You are not to ever…” he began to lecture, his palm crashing down against her right buttock, “ever believe you aren’t worthy.”

“You are amazing…” Her left buttock received its own punishing swats.

“Intelligent…” These four landed against the middle of her ass.

“Loving and deserving of love.”

Each pause had a set of four strokes landing on one globe of her ass, identical ones landing on the other side, then a set given across both of her now burning buttocks. Each word spoken was driven into her heart as his hand delivered the lesson on her rapidly heating flesh.

“Are you listening to me, Elena?”

“Yes!” she practically shouted, her legs twitching, so wanting to lift, to curl to cover her posterior.

Crisp, sharp slaps peppered across her bottom at a pace that didn’t appear to be slowing in the slightest.“Are you learning?”

“Yes, sir! Ow!”

Strokes continued to descend in a steady cadence. She lifted her head to howl and caught the sight of the fire in the fireplace. God, how could his hand not burn as hotly as her ass, for it already felt as if she’d taken a seat on those logs that were blazing?

“I’m sorry!”

“I’m sorry as well,” he said, fingers gliding across her hot flesh. “I’m sorry that this is necessary. But you need to know that each and every time you step out of line, every time you test either me or yourself, this is exactly what is going to happen. You’ll find yourself over my lap, your bottom bared and then blistered until you truly regret your choices. We’ll finish with twenty from your brush.”

The brush? He went upstairs and got the very implement I can now feel running across my ass?“No! Please, Daddy! No brush! I do regret my choices; I swear I do! That’s enough.”

“Elena, little girls do not dictate when they’ve been punished enough. Nor do they dictate what implements will be used to teach them a much needed lesson. Whose job is that?”

“Yours… but, my bottom hurts already!”

“This would be a rather worthless exercise if it didn’t, now wouldn’t it?” he asked, his tone informing her that he was totally unconcerned that she was about to spontaneously combust. “You need to understand that there is a price to be paid for your behavior, a higher price paid for your lack of trust in yourself and in your daddy. I won’t make you count them this time. Do not put your hands back, Elena. I don’t want to accidently strike them.”

The hairbrush was nothing like his hand. The wood made a thudding sound every time it connected, the weight compressing her flesh even deeper, driving the ache past the fatty tissue of her ass, assuring that she’d feel the paddling long after it was done. By the time he’d laid ten strokes across her bottom, she was sobbing, her promised composure a thing of the past. This hurt!