Page 12 of A Little Atonement

“Spread your legs.”

A whimper accompanied her obedience as she inched her feet apart.

“As far as your jeans allow, Elena.” Once she was in position, he bent toward her again. “Are you cold?”

“No, sir.”

“Are you bored?”

“No, sir.”

“Good. Do not move and do not think about anything other than what you will be confessing. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

She felt him move away and soon heard sounds coming from across the room as he began to clean up from breakfast. It wasn’t anywhere near as difficult to think about all the naughty things she’d done with her bare butt already stinging. It was embarrassing knowing that her ass was in full view and yet she had to admit, it definitely wasn’t boring.

“All right, come here, Elena.”

His instruction jolted her from her thoughts as it seemed like only a moment had passed. But when she straightened, the slight twinge in her lower back told her she’d been holding the position for several minutes. Dropping her hold on her sweater, she bent to pull up her clothing, only getting them to her knees before she realized he was speaking.

“No. Drop them. I did not say you may cover.”

She released her panties and jeans and began to move toward him.

“Sweater up, Elena.” He’d seen her naked before and yet having to pull her sweater to her waist and walk to him, no, make that shuffle to him, made her feel every inch the naughty little girl. It took her a while as her clothing made it awkward, but she didn’t stop until she stood before him where he’d taken a seat in the center of the couch.

Liam pulled her to stand between his spread knees. She was practically trembling, her stomach fluttering, her blood racing. God, how could she have ever thought that this wasn’t something she needed? No, not needed, craved. Yes, he’d spank her but then he’d hold her, forgive her, love her. Her pussy had begun to moisten the moment he’d unbuttoned her jeans and now, just thinking about being held in his arms, lying beneath him, her tender bottom rubbing against the sheets as he made love to her was making it slicker. It took his clearing his throat to pull her from her delicious daydream and to concentrate on the here and now.

“Tell me why I’m going to spank you.”

Before she could stop herself, she giggled. “Seriously? How long do you have?” When he didn’t grin, that eyebrow lifting yet again, she realized that yes, he was serious. This wasn’t playtime… this was discipline.

“I’m sorry. It’s just a rather long list… I’m not sure I even remember everything that earned me this spanking.”

“Tell me what you do remember,” he said, “then I’ll help fill in the blanks.”

“You can do that?” Shit, Elena, of course he can and if you keep up with the smart-aleck remarks, you’ll never get off his lap and on to the loving part!

Closing her eyes briefly, knowing he was only allowing her to do so in order to help her remember, she began. “I listened to someone else… let her opinion matter far more than yours.” She paused and opened her eyes, her feet shuffling a bit on the rag rug beneath her toes.

“Go on, Elena,” he said, obviously not satisfied with her list so far.

“I ran away. Um, and… and I didn’t answer your calls or texts. I know there is so much more.”

“Yes, there is. You continue to belittle the woman I adore. You question the fact that you, the most amazing person I’ve ever known, are worthy. You seem to have reverted back to that little habit of cursing. And, Elena, the one that bothers me the most is that you—”


“No, but let’s add interrupting to the list as well.”

Shall we?she added in her head, mentally kicking herself for digging her hole a little deeper. “I’m sorry, sir.”

“I was going to say, that you seem to have forgotten one of the very first things we discussed as being vital to any relationship and crucial to one that included the dynamic of ageplay. Can you tell me what that is?”

This time she didn’t go with the first thought in her head. She took the time to slip back in time, to consider the conversations they’d had, the hours spent discussing not only the parameters of their dynamic but the requirements that would allow them to have a fulfilling, successful Daddy and little lifestyle. It didn’t take long for her to be able to give him the answer she knew was correct.

“I failed to communicate. Instead of bringing my concerns to you, I took them on myself. Instead of sharing my feelings, my fears, I internalized them. Instead of trusting you, I doubted myself.”