Page 38 of A Little Atonement

“What’s that mean?”

“It means that Daddy will give you an enema.”

“No! Please! I don’t want an enema!”

“Baby, it’s important to get your body in balance. I’ve given you plenty of time to go on your own. It’s not something to feel ashamed about. It’s necessary for your health.”

She whimpered and it took a swat to her bottom for her to unclench her cheeks. He pushed a thick bullet into her, pressing in up inside with his finger. “I’m not sure how long it will take, but I’m putting you into regular pajamas to make it easier for you to go on your own.”

She didn’t speak, her face red, but she didn’t protest when he dressed her in a set of pink fleece pajamas and carried her to the rocking chair. He read her a story he was pretty sure she didn’t even hear as she didn’t relax, remaining stiff as if expecting to have to make a dash for the bathroom at any moment. Tucking her into bed, he kissed her. “Relax, sweetie. You’re not going to have an accident.”

“How do you know?”

“Because it’s a gentle laxative and your tummy will tell you in plenty of time to make it to the potty. Now, get some sleep. I’m going to chop some more wood since it’s stopped snowing. If you need me, come get me, all right?”

“Okay, Daddy.”

* * *

The sky was blue and cloudless as he dug out his chopping block and the logs waiting to be split that the snow had buried. After he’d worked a while, he paused and looked toward the road. He could hear the sound of engines and knew that the snowplows were at work. He paid extra for the privilege since his cabin was up on the mountain, but he considered it worthwhile. If it didn’t start to snow again, he’d take Elena into town the next day. His Range Rover had four-wheel drive as well as snow chains.

The next time he paused, he heard a different sound. Looking up, he saw Elena at her window, tapping on the glass. It was a view he’d never tire of. He gave her a wave and decided they had enough wood for now. After stacking it inside, he removed his boots, setting them on the hearth before heading upstairs.

“Hi, baby girl,” he said, stepping into her room. “I take it you’re feeling better?”

“I didn’t feel bad to start with,” she said, “but I did go potty so you don’t have to ask me again.”

He didn’t appreciate the bit of snarkiness he heard in her voice, but understood she considered the entire topic embarrassing. “Okay, then go ahead and get back on the bed.”


A bit of snark was one thing, this was another. “Elena Michelle, I’m getting a little tired of you questioning me every time I instruct you to do something. I suggest you just say, ‘yes, Daddy,’ and do as you’ve been told.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said, climbing on her bed.

“Pull down your pants and panties,” he said, not because he didn’t enjoy doing so himself, but because he was determined to drive his point home. Once she’d bared her bottom, he opened the box and removed the last training plug. “Reach back and pull your cheeks apart.”

“Wh… yes, Daddy,” she said, catching herself.

“Good girl.”

Sitting down beside her, he discovered he loved the sight of her small hands holding her cheeks open, presenting her pucker to him. His cock twitched and he had to fight the desire to forgo the fourth plug and simply sink into her bottom. But this wasn’t the time or the place to do so.

“Keep them wide open while I lubricate you,” he instructed, pleased when she pulled them a bit further apart. He might not be ready to take her virginity, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t play a bit. For the first time, he didn’t stop at two fingers, slowing inserting a third despite her small yelp.

“Relax, Elena, you’re doing fine. This will help you accept the last plug.” It really was amazing to watch her little flower gradually acquiesce, stretching to accept his fingers and then the final plug.

He patted her bottom once it was seated. “Good girl. You’ve no idea how precious you look holding your little plug. I’m proud of you for minding Daddy.”

Chapter Eleven

Elena felt a little guilty, but the thought of being given an enema kept her quiet. She just couldn’t imagine the humiliation of Liam doing something so… so invasive. Besides, her daddy was excited about taking her into town and she would be the best little girl she could to make him proud of her for a real reason.

“You look so pretty, sweetie.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” she said, giving a little turn and watching the pleats of her pink skirt flare around her legs. “I love this outfit.” He’d put her into a pair of white tights and a white sweater that had thin pink ribbons woven through the knit with two small rosettes at the collar. With her Mary Janes on her feet and her arms slipping into her pink coat, she felt pretty. Instead of putting her hair into the pigtails she was becoming accustomed to, he’d brushed her hair until it shone and flowed down her back in soft waves. She slid her hands into the fur muff.

“Do you have our list?”