Page 37 of A Little Atonement

“You are amazing,” he said, kissing the tip of her nose before tucking her in beside him. Exactly as had happened the night before, the love of his life, the other half of his soul was sound asleep before he’d managed to tuck the quilts around them.

* * *

The next morning, he woke to find himself alone in bed, but the flush of the toilet told him where she’d gone. Joining her in the bathroom, he asked, “Did you go poo?”

When her answer was negative, he knew he’d need to address that concern soon. After their shower, he led her into her room, the box containing the plugs in his free hand.

“How many of those do you have?” she asked, gesturing to the box.

“There are four in here, but I have more.” Sitting on the bed, he didn’t miss her sigh, but when she climbed over his lap, he didn’t chastise her.

“Why do you need more?”

“There are all sorts of different plugs, sweetie. These are for training, but I have others that will give you different sensations,” he explained as he lubricated her passage, taking a few minutes to scissor his fingers to encourage her muscle to loosen. “Relax and take a deep breath, sweetie. This one is a little larger than yesterday’s.”

She whimpered and squealed, but didn’t attempt to resist as he slowly seated the plug. After he wiped her free of lube and stood her up, she shuffled her feet a bit. “It feels a lot bigger.”

“It isn’t, and you’ll soon forget you’re holding it.”

She huffed, “I doubt that,” but at his look, she added, “Sorry, Daddy. It just feels really strange.”

“You’ll appreciate your training when it’s time for me to pop your anal cherry.”

“Daddy!” Her cheeks flamed as she stared up at him.

He chuckled. “Sorry, sweetie, but that’s exactly what I’m training you for.”

“You don’t have to talk about it. I’ll never be able to look at another cherry again!”

His laugh was louder and he pulled her to him, cupping her plugged bottom in his hands and kissing her. “It will be fun watching you eat your favorite fruit with your eyes closed.”

She giggled and by the time he had her dressed, she seemed to have forgotten about the plug she was holding.

* * *

After breakfast, they played a game of Monopoly. He won but she didn’t fuss. When she went into the bathroom to wash up for lunch, he asked if she’d gone potty.

“Daddy, I don’t ask about your bathroom activities!”

“That’s because you’re the little girl, not the daddy. So, I take your answer to be no?”

“No, I didn’t have to and it would be a little hard with my butt plugged!”

“Watch your tone, Elena.”

“Sorry, but it’s embarrassing.”

For lunch, he served large salads with grilled chicken strips, wanting to get as much roughage into her as possible. When he took her upstairs for her nap, he told her to lie on her tummy and wait for him.


“Because I instructed you to do so,” he said, tugging down her panties when she’d complied. “I’ll be right back.”

Returning, he eased the plug from her. “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”

“No, sir.”

“All right. I’m not going to plug you but I am going to insert a suppository. Hopefully that will help you. If not, we’ll move to the next step.”