Page 14 of A Little Atonement

“Please… please… please,” she begged, her body beginning to twist, to squirm as she ignored his instruction, self-preservation having her hand reaching back in an attempt to throw off his aim, to save herself from even one swat. Her feet kicked up but when she felt herself being lifted as he moved forward, she instantly arched her head back and began to plead.

“Wait! I forgot… please, Daddy…”

He ignored her, draping her over his left knee while his right leg trapped both of hers. Her hands scrabbled for a hold as he tipped her forward, her butt lifted higher and yet she knew that it was no longer his target… not for these extra strokes.

“Please, don’t… ow… ow… ow!” Rapid swats against the tender flesh of her thighs had her wails so loud that she was sure the squirrels deep in the woods paused in their hunt for nuts to sit up and take notice.

“Is it naughty to kick up?”

“Yes! Yes!”

“Is it naughty to reach back?”

“Yes, I’m sorry!”

“Are you going to forget again?”

“No, Daddy!”

“If you do, we’ll start the count over, understood?”

She sobbed as she sputtered that she did, and he easily moved back on the couch, settling her once more face down, bottom up over his lap. Grabbing the pillow he’d slept on the night before, she buried her face in it and shoved her toes in the crack of the cushion behind her.

He waited until she settled and then the brush… the brush she now remembered she hated with a passion began to smack against her poor buttocks again. She bucked, she squirmed, she twisted, but she did keep her arms wrapped around the pillow and her legs down. It took the return of his hand to her bottom, the none too gentle squeeze of his fingers to have her understanding that the paddling was done.

Lifting her face from the depths of the now sodden pillow, she sucked in huge gulps of air. A final pat and then she felt him lifting her… not onto his lap to signify her punishment was done, but to guide her once more to stand between his legs.

She continued to sob, her hands reaching behind her, needing to assure herself that the flames she felt were only those of imagination and not truly dancing across her ass.

“No.” Reaching out, he pulled her hands down. “No rubbing, young lady. You let that fire you feel remind you what happens to naughty little girls. Go put your nose in the corner,” he ordered, pointing to the one she’d recently occupied. “Think about the fact that though your choices belong to you and you alone, making the wrong ones will have your ass burning each and every time.” With a none too gentle swat, he sent her on her way.

She’d already come to hate corner time. Every moment spent had her thinking not about what had sent her there but the fact that his eyes were on her, her punished bottom presented to the room while her vision was filled with nothing but plaster. Embarrassment over the fact that she couldn’t even walk properly but had to shuffle due to the clothing at her ankles caused her face to burn. Well, at least you have matching sets of blazing red cheeks.

“Very fucking funny,” she muttered.

“What did you say?”

Oh, Lord, had she really said that out loud? Freezing in place, she felt him come up behind her.

“Really, Elena? Cursing? So not a good choice, my dear.” He tucked her torso beneath his arm, keeping her tight against his side and began to smack her bottom again. Her feet danced, her bottom wagged, and she wailed. When the barrage ended and she found her balance again, she didn’t even speak but suddenly couldn’t wait to be in the corner, more than ready to hide her shame at being so naughty so soon after he’d punished her.

“Nose to the wall, sweater up, legs spread, and push that very red ass well out.”

“Ye… yes… sir,” she stammered, putting herself into the corner, exactly the place for a naughty little girl.

She had no idea how long he made her stand nose to the wall but it was long enough for her tears to stop and her breathing to even out but not long enough to really cool the fire in her bottom. Still, when he called her to him, she turned immediately, keeping her sweater well up. She didn’t have to shuffle this time for he was standing directly behind her. His arms opened and she threw herself forward, landing hard against his chest, but when his arms wrapped around her, she knew she’d been forgiven.

“I’m sorry I was so awful, Daddy.”

“I know you are, baby. And I know that was a hard spanking and paddling to take. Let’s get you cleaned up—”

“I took a shower this morning.”

“I know, but you forgot something,” he said, setting her back, one hand dropping from her back to move between their bodies.

Elena felt her face heat and her pussy clench as one of his hands moved between their bodies. She knew exactly what he’d find when he put his fingers between her legs. She had gone beyond moist to soaked during her spanking and not even the pain of her paddling had stopped her growing arousal. “I know I’m a little—”

“Exactly, so you know this,” he said, shocking her when his fingers didn’t move to her sex, but tugged on the copper-colored hairs between her legs, “needs to go. Little ones are allowed no secrets. They do not cover their little pussies from their daddies.”