Page 11 of A Little Atonement

Chapter Five

It didn’t take but a minute before Elena shifted her feet. Seriously? What grown woman stands in the corner?

Women who come back because they need their daddy,the voice in her head was quick to answer.

Yes, but I feel…

Like the naughty little girl you are?

“God, I wish you’d just shut up! This is boring!”

“Excuse me?”

Elena stiffened. That voice was not the mocking feminine one in her head. No, this was definitely one of the masculine variety.

“Elena Michelle Reeds, did you just tell your daddy to shut up?”

Whipping her head around, she saw Liam standing no more than a foot behind her. Had she really said that out loud? She really needed to stop talking to herself. “I-I wasn’t talking to you. I was just—”

“Saying that obeying your daddy is boring?”

“No! I mean… I was thinking this whole corner thing is boring, not you.” The moment his eyebrow quirked, she felt her stomach flip. That’s great, Elena. Go ahead, dig that hole deeper.

“I-I mean, not boring, but… I-I don’t like staring at the wall, my nose already itches andI can’t think like this.”

“Then, by all means, let’s see if we can make it easier for you, shall we?”

God, how she hated when he said that phrase. It usually preceded things that she didn’t particularly like. “Let’s get this spanking done, shall we?” “Let’s see how long you care to continue that snotty attitude, shall we?” “Let’s see if this paddle will make a better impression, shall we?”

“No, I mean, thank you for offering, but that’s okay. I’ll just stand…”

His chuckle silenced her, and she felt her face flush as she realized how idiotic that had probably sounded, but the twirl of his finger indicating she was to turn back around had her hoping that he was in a forgiving mood.

Once she was facing the corner again, it became clear that despite his chuckle, her daddy did not consider her offer humorous in the least. She felt his hands slip beneath her sweater and then his fingers unbuttoning her jeans. The sound of the zipper’s teeth ratcheting along its tracks followed as he leaned over her back to speak close to her ear.

“Let’s see if you’ll find it easier to focus on your naughty behavior with the part of your anatomy that will pay for those choices hanging out in the wind, shall we?”

She wasn’t sure if she would have been able to answer even if his question hadn’t been rhetorical. A tug had her jeans beginning their descent and they didn’t stop until they were at her ankles. When his fingers returned to slip into the waistband of her panties, she couldn’t help but clench her buttocks when they were slowly bared as he peeled the lacy blue fabric down. Once they rested on top of her jeans, she whimpered as the final barrier was removed with his lifting the hem of her sweater.

“Hold this up, Elena. I want to see every inch of that naughty bottom.”

Taking the soft fabric in her hands, she pulled it up a bit, her entire body flushing with heat and yet she whispered, “But it’s cold.”

“Oh, sweetheart, Daddy has a solution for that as well. All the way to your waist, Elena.”

With her sweater bunched at her waist, she discovered the solution when his arm hooked around her waist, pulling her back just a bit before an explosion of sound filled the air. She didn’t have time to do more than gasp before a second swat landed on her other buttock, each of her bare globes already stinging from just the two strokes.

“Warm enough?” he asked, his palm softly rubbing over her bottom.


“Oh, Elena,” he said, his hand lifting and then descending again, adding to the heat in her rear before she realized her error.

“Yes, sir!”

“That’s better.” His hold at her waist disappeared, but she felt her head being pressed toward the wall. “Step back. No, keep your nose in the corner, but move back and lift your ass. Keep your sweater up. I want to be able to see my handprints all the way from the kitchen.”

She shuffled back a step, the position required causing her to bend forward to keep her nose against the sheetrock.