Page 10 of A Little Atonement

“No,” he said, cutting her off. “Daddy is going to punish you because he loves you. Because you need to know that no matter what you do, no matter how naughty you are, I will always love you and will always forgive you. Do you understand?”

Her smile was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

She softly whispered, “Yes, sir.”

Bending, he lifted her chin and kissed her. It was as if he was drinking from the most wondrous fountain. One that gave him back his life’s blood. He so wanted to plunder her mouth, to tangle his tongue with hers, but it was not yet time. Instead, he pulled away, loving her breathlessness, kissed her nose and then lifted her, returning her to sit on the stool.

“French toast or pancakes?”

“French toast, but I can help,” she said, beginning to slide from the stool.

“Oh, no, you don’t, young lady. Daddy is doing the cooking. You are doing the watching. Now get your butt back on that stool and enjoy the fact that you can sit without squirming.”

She blushed but settled on the stool, picking up her mug. If she noticed the tea had long gone cold, she didn’t mention it. Instead, she gave him a shy smile and as he turned to gather ingredients for their breakfast, he had to bite back a grin as she wiggled.

A half hour later, he swallowed the last of his coffee and looked down where Elena was pushing a piece of French toast around and around in a puddle of syrup. She’d been doing so for the last five minutes.

“Are you done?”

She startled a bit, her fork clattering as she released it. “Yes. I-I guess I wasn’t as hungry as I thought. It was great but…”

Elena hadn’t eaten anywhere near as much as he would have liked, but he understood why. Her blush and squirm confirmed that her mind had been more on what would happen after breakfast than what he had prepared for the meal. After dabbing his napkin to the corner of her mouth where a bit of powdered sugar clung, he kissed her forehead and lifted her from the stool, loving it when she wrapped her arms and legs around him. He felt her stiffen a bit as he passed the couch but couldn’t really blame her. They were both aware that it wouldn’t be long before her bottom would be burning. But it wasn’t yet time. She’d been worrying her breakfast to bits, her mind obviously so full of who knew what that she hadn’t been able to enjoy one of her favorite breakfasts. His little one needed to clear her head, to accept that she was back where she belonged. Most important, she had to learn that even though she was going to be punished, once it was done, she could let all her worries of the past go.

He didn’t set her down until he reached the wall. He’d never required corner time before but only because she’d run before they’d fully begun this dynamic. He was a firm believer that reflection was a valuable tool whether it be to consider some goal, some project, or, in this case, naughty behavior.

“Put your nose right in the corner, Elena.”

She looked up at him, her eyes wide before they shifted to the wall. “Liam, I’d rather just get the spanking over with. I’ve never—”

“Oh, there will be a spanking, but first you will do as instructed. The very fact that you not only just addressed me incorrectly, but believe you can determine the course of action tells me that you really need corner time. I want you to think about what you did that was naughty.” He guided her into position, a hand against the back of her head, gently pushing until her nose met the juncture of the two walls. “Be ready to make a full confession when I call you.”