Page 15 of Daddy Says

Though she wanted to ask what he meant about ‘playing’, she lost her nerve. Instead, she asked, “What necessary details?”

“You’ll need a physical and—”

“Why? I mean, I told the truth on the questions. I’m really a healthy person. I haven’t been sick in ages and—”

“And you were just naughty. Can you tell me what you just did?”

Naughty? Jane was taken aback. All she’d been doing was trying to explain that she didn’t want a physical. “Um… I disagreed with you?”

“No, sweetie, you interrupted me when I was speaking. That isn’t only impolite, it is disrespectful.”

“I was just… you’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Good girl. Admitting you made a mistake is a good thing and apologizing for that mistake is another. As I was saying, you will have a physical as I need to be certain that you are not only healthy, but physically able to tolerate certain things.”

“Tolerate what? Like can I tolerate a spanking?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “No, I’m positive that while you might not like a spanking, you’ll certainly be able to tolerate one. I’m talking about other things.”

Jane played with her food more than she ate it, but she couldn’t help it. Forget ‘other things’, all she could think about was the spanking he’d promised. Finally, she set her fork down. “I’m not trying to be difficult, but I really don’t think I can eat. Not when I’m so nervous.”

Reaching across the table, he covered her hand with his. “Being a bit nervous is normal, but I don’t want you to be so unsettled that it interferes with your ability to eat. Dinner can wait a bit.”

“Thank you.” His grin had her thinking she must sound foolish as she’d basically just thanked him in advance for the spanking he was about to deliver. “I didn’t mean for the…”

“Jane, relax. I know what you mean.” He stood and helped her from her chair. With her hand in his, he looked down. “Do you need to go to the bathroom first?”

“The bathroom. Why?”

“Because I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

Jane almost giggled thinking how could he expect her to be comfortable getting her butt smacked. Fortunately, she managed to keep a straight face. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” She hurried out of the room, suddenly grateful to have an excuse to be alone if only for a few minutes. Once inside the bathroom, she relieved herself and then stood in front of the mirror as she washed her hands. “You need to get a grip, Jane,” she said softly. “You wanted this, remember? It’s not like you’re going to your execution—it’s just a little spanking, right?” Nodding at her reflection, she dried her hands, ran a brush through her hair, and then took a deep breath and opened the door.

Despite giving herself a pep talk, the moment she entered the living room and saw the chair he’d brought in from the dining room, her tummy flipped. When he smiled and held out his hand, she went to him on shaky legs, allowing him to guide her between his legs. She was pretty sure that if he let her go, she’d fall straight to the floor, and she was grateful that his hands continued to hold both of hers, not letting her collapse at his feet.

“Tell me why Daddy is going to spank his little girl.”

Whoa, this was really happening! The question, the terms of address, the tone, everything about it seemed surreal and yet she found herself answering, “Because I-I was bad?”

“Not bad, Janie, naughty. How were you naughty?”

She didn’t really understand the difference, but what she did understand was that he—her daddy—had just given her a Little name. How a simple thing could have such a profound effect on her, she didn’t know, but it did. Instantly she felt years fall away and that allowed her to answer.

“I was rude to you, took advantage of my friends, and wasn’t a very good employee.”

“And you lied.”

“I didn’t!”

“Yes, sweetie, you did. You’ve been lying since the first night when you refused to acknowledge that this is exactly what you’ve been wanting, craving, for so very long. Now, how does that make you feel inside?”

How could he sound so sure of himself? Of her. She’d not even completed the section about having a daddy. It was as if he didn’t require her written answers, just needed to look at her and know this was what she had been searching for. “Not very good,” she admitted and recognized the truth of that statement. “A little icky actually.”

“That’s what guilt does, but Daddy is going to make that icky feeling go away.” Releasing her hands, he guided them to her sides. “How is Daddy going to do that, Janie?”

“You’re going to spank me.”

“That’s right. In the future, I might ask you to drop your panties, lift your skirt, and place yourself over my knee or position yourself elsewhere, but since this is your first spanking, I’m going to help, all right?”