Page 16 of Daddy Says

“All… all right.” Her breath caught in her throat when his hands slipped beneath her skirt and her knees started shaking even more when he hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties. She wasn’t sure exactly how she’d pictured this happening, but it hadn’t been this. It was as if his body temperature was transferring to her skin with every tug of her underwear as he began to lower them. Her face flamed and her tummy began doing somersaults. She couldn’t for the life of her hold back the small whimper when the thin fabric conquered the hillocks of her buttocks, leaving them bare. He didn’t release them until they were at her knees, just visible beneath the hem of her skirt. With a simple movement, he turned her slightly and she gave a short yip of surprise when he tipped her over his left leg.

“Brace your hands on the floor,” he instructed. “I’ve got you. You won’t fall.”

Planting her palms on the floor, she was grateful that her hair cascaded around her face, her gratitude for the coverage growing exponentially when she felt her skirt being lifted and folded back to expose her bottom.

“Do not reach back, Janie. Keep your hands and feet down.”


“That’s my good girl.”

His words, the feel of his hand laying across her ass, and the feel of his free arm hugging her just a little closer to his body made Jane feel secure, but the moment she felt his right leg lifting to capture both of hers, she started to panic.

“Wait! Is-is this going to hurt?”

“Yes, it is.”

Why those three little words didn’t have her fighting like a wildcat to get free, she’d never understand. Perhaps it was that he didn’t sugarcoat it, didn’t lie, didn’t even assure her that it wouldn’t be that bad, but whatever the reason, they managed to settle her in the mindset of a little girl who’d chosen to misbehave and who had a daddy who wouldn’t allow her to be naughty without consequence. But when she felt his hand disappear, she knew that she’d earned this spanking and was finally ready to accept her just deserts.

The first strike shocked her enough that she remained absolutely silent, the second had her drawing in a huge gulp of air, the third had her head rearing back, and the fourth had her finding her voice as she shrieked. Hell, yes, it hurt! This was nothing like the time she’d been over Joe’s knees for that ridiculous facsimile of a spanking. Sawyer’s hand, the same hand that had made her feel so small, so secure as he’d held hers, was now falling like a paddle. It was hard and it was huge enough to cover a great deal of territory with each swat.

“Ow, ow, ow! Please!”

He ignored her cries, the sound of each crack of his hand bouncing about the room as she was sure her butt was bouncing beneath each stroke. No longer worried about the embarrassment of her position, no longer caring that he was staring at her bare bottom, all Jane was concerned about was surviving the spanking.

“Please! I’m sorry! I’ll never be naughty again, I swear!”

“Settle down, Janie. We’ve only just started and promises made while getting a spanking are rarely kept.”

Another half dozen strokes and she was sure she’d never sit again. Jane wanted to curse the lack of carpeting as her fingers clawed at the floor, her nails scraping over useless hardwood that didn’t allow a grip. Trying to kick her feet was thwarted by his leg pinning hers. Still, she couldn’t remain still. She wiggled, she squirmed, and she attempted to buck like a bronco with a burr under its saddle. When all that failed, she whipped her hands back, waving them in the air, attempting to block even a single swat.

“Naughty,” he said, capturing both of Jane’s wrists, pinning them against the small of her back. “Little girls who misbehave during their spanking earn extra strokes.”

“No! Please, I didn’t mean to! Please, that’s enough!”

“Daddy decides what is enough. Not you, Janie.” With that, his knee lifted, her face lowered and she discovered that her bottom was not the only place that her daddy could turn into a furnace. When he began to swat the area where her bottom merged with her thighs, Jane gasped and then burst into tears.

“I’m sorry, Daddy! I’m sorry!” The fact that she’d just called him Daddy for the first time registered and yet it didn’t seem strange or forced… it felt just right.

“I know you are, baby girl, but it’s my job to make sure you understand that naughtiness will earn you a hot little bottom every time.”

Evidently her new daddy took his job very seriously because his hand kept rising and falling. Jane was soon nothing more than a blubbering blob, limp over his knee, strands of her hair stuck to her cheeks, her poor butt feeling as if an entire continent of killer bees had decided to sink their stingers into her flesh. She had no idea when the spanking ended, only that instead of another stroke, she felt his hand rubbing gently over her throbbing buttocks.

“Shhh, it’s over now.” Before she could react, Sawyer released her wrists and lifted her, flipping her over and cradling her against his chest, her bottom resting on his thigh. Jane grabbed onto his shirt, burying her face in his neck and just wailed.

“That’s it, little one. Let it all out. You’re safe. Daddy’s got you.”

She didn’t even question the validity of that statement. No matter how much she’d struggled and squirmed, he’d never once allowed her to feel as if she’d tumble to the floor. This position might be different, but she knew that he’d keep her close, hold her tight until she was ready to pull away. Why she didn’t immediately jump off his lap, order him out of her house, and inform him that she never wanted to set eyes on him again was a question for another time. Right now, all she wanted was to feel his arms around her, his hand stroking her back, and the feel of his solid chest against her body.

Minutes passed as Jane calmed and went from thinking about how much her bottom hurt to thinking about how wonderful it felt to be in his arms. Finally, she gave a last sniffle and sat back. Immediately, he had a handkerchief ready and gently wiped her face and then softly instructed her to blow. Once that was done, he gave her a smile and a kiss that had her insides beginning to burn. The kiss was gentle and yet so full of promise that she found it a little difficult to breathe. When he pulled away, she instantly wanted his lips to return to hers.


“Yes,” she managed. “You were right, you know.”

“About what?”

“Spankings really do hurt!”