Page 26 of The Right Time

It was embarrassing—and awkward—when Gabby teased him earlier this morning. But now, with everyone making a comment, it was getting ridiculous.

So what? He had a hickey. Lots of people got hickeys now and again. It wasn’t a big deal. Of course, he couldn’t remember the last time he had a hickey. High school?

The beautiful memories of Mia’s hands and lips all over his body last night sent a rush of desire straight to his cock. Damn, he missed her.

But no. Down, boy! He couldn’t be having illustrious thoughts right now. First, hickey teasing. Next, they’d be joking about his hard-on he couldn’t control.

He had thought about calling or texting her all morning but never went through with it. She needed space. Maybe. He also wasn’t quite sure what to say. The last thing he wanted to do was push her away and lose the ground he had made. Significant ground, too, which he was proud of.

She’d said yes.

He still couldn’t believe it.

Therefore, he couldn’t do anything bad to tip the scales even a slight dent backward. Not that a simple call or text should have her changing her mind. But with Mia, he just didn’t know.

Jaxson sat down at his desk, his brows drawing low as he saw Gabby’s desk empty. She was nothing but efficient. She said she was coming back to start digging into the vic’s life. Yet, her desk sat empty.

“Yo, Jax, I heard—”

“You kept on walking and didn’t get your legs broken from stopping and finishing that sentence,” Jaxson said, cutting off Ramone as he sauntered his way. Although he slowed his approach at Jaxson’s abrupt—yet said with a friendly, shit-eating grin—words.

Ramone laughed, pointed toward his neck, then swiveled around and headed back in the direction he came from.

Shit. Maybe he should go home. Fake a stomach ache or something equally ridiculous. Everyone would know the reason he left, and he didn’t care.

“Gosh, you were quick. How’d it go?” Gabby sat down in her chair, helping Jaxson to cool down the idea to leave.

His partner was back. While she would have fun at his expense, she didn’t let others get on his case. Just like a best friend should do.

“She didn’t have much to tell me. They haven’t spoken in over a month. Some fight about a dress, and…” Jaxson shrugged, fading off his words. He was baffled why women would get upset and argue about something as silly as a piece of clothing.

Gabby’s brows puckered as if contemplating the same theory as him. Why argue about something so dumb?

“Then why was she knocking on her door so early in the morning?”

Jaxson was perplexed as well. “She didn’t have a great excuse for that one other than she wanted to finally make up with her sister. Instead, she finds her dead body.”

“Do we like her for this? It seems like a strange time to be knocking on someone’s door to apologize, especially if she hadn’t spoken to her in over a month.”

“Not sure yet. She seemed distraught and still in shock. It felt real. But,” he said, leaning back and swiveling his chair some, “she’s definitely hiding something. There was more of a reason than wanting to apologize. Where were you? What’d you find?”

She rolled her eyes, huffing. “I had to visit Mia. I can’t believe she kept that shit from me.”

His heart started to pound. Could Gabby hear the sudden change in his heart’s rhythm? He sat up straight and grabbed the computer mouse. For what reason? No clue, but he felt like he needed to occupy his hands with something. His hand started to shake, forcing himself to not attempt to even type. He didn’t need Gabby zeroing her eyes in on his nervousness.

She knew about them. She was angry about it.


Did that mean Gabby was pissed at him, too? How had she found out they were finally an item? Why hadn’t she laid into him yet about it?

Before he could say anything, her eyes narrowed. Like tiny death-like laser beams his way.

“You knew, didn’t you?”

Oh, shit.

In his nine years of knowing Gabby, he could count on one hand how many times she had been pissed at him. They had all been good reasons where he had apologized. It felt like she was verging on the edge of getting pissed at him once again, bringing the number up to five.