Page 27 of The Right Time

Yet, he started to doubt it had anything to do with him and Mia being a thing.


She slapped her hands on the desk. “Don’t mess with me, Jaxson. Did you know she was involved in a robbery yesterday?”

The tension rapidly evaporated. He wasn’t even sure why he had tensed up. Probably because he hadn’t spoken to Mia yet. He wanted her full blessing before shouting out to the world they were together.

“I did.”

But damn. He had to tread carefully. By not telling Gabby—completely forgetting with all the glorious bliss still spinning through his mind—he had messed up. He had meant to tell her yesterday. As Mia’s best friend, she had a right to know.

“And why didn’t you tell me? When did you find out?”

He did not want to answer that question. Neither question.

“Ramos told me yesterday. I meant to tell you and…” And he couldn’t say why he didn’t because then he’d have to confess Mia was the woman who had given him the huge-ass hickey.

“And you met a woman and got laid and didn’t think the news was important enough for me to know. Thanks, partner.”

With that, she trained her eyes on her computer, refusing to even look in his direction, even after he threw a paperclip to get a reaction. Any kind of reaction.

Just. Great.

Now Gabby thought he didn’t care, all because he got laid by some mysterious woman. What would she say if she knew the woman had been Mia? Would she forgive him right away?

If his mind hadn’t been occupied this morning by delicious thoughts of Mia—and half-asleep being pulled out of bed way too early—he would’ve told her. But it had slipped his mind.

This was his consequence for letting that happen. His best friend was mad at him.

He grabbed his phone and sent a quick text to Mia. Because this wasn’t good.

We need to talk.

“Her sister said before they stopped talking, she thought she had been having money trouble. But then the fight about the dress started and she never dug deeper about the money issues.”

Nothing. Not a word. Which made everything even worse. Gabby wasn’t mad. She was beyond a level of pissed where she didn’t even want to respond to him about a work-related item. Hello? They had a murder to solve.


He glanced at his phone when Mia hadn’t responded yet. He didn’t want to mess up his relationship with Mia either. Texting a short and pert message wasn’t going to do him any favors.

I love you. I wish I was lying in bed with you right now.

There. That should make up for his first idiotic text that was short and abrupt. But they did need to talk. He couldn’t have Gabby this pissed at him. It didn’t feel right. Neither did lying to her.

He sat there a few minutes, waiting for his phone to ping Mia responded, and for Gabby to look up from across the desk and at least speak to him about the case.

Nothing, from either woman.

Double shit.

* * *

“Whoa,two mornings in a row. I feel special,” Brick said as he walked closer to Mia as she sat down at the bar.

She had to make this quick or she’d be late to work. Mia always prided herself on being on time, even for dates. Being late said a lot about a person and she didn’t like what it said about her.

“You are special.” Mia smiled brightly, even as the happiness inside didn’t exist. Not right now, anyway. What a crappy morning. “I need a favor.”