“You are up?” Glancing towards the door, I smile when I see Dakota, only now realizing that she’s expecting. Her T-shirt is baggy, but it’s clearly a baby bump underneath.

“I’m feeling much better, thanks to you,” I say with a smile as I look behind her at the two-women standing there.

“Oh, I forgot! You haven’t met Siena and Alaska yet,” Dakota says as she steps to the side to let the two women inside the kitchen. “Mystique, this is Siena, she’s Blue’s mate.” A petite girl with long honey blond hair smiles at me, her eyes twinkling as she steps forward. “She is also the real nurse here; I just help out.”

Siena shakes her head. “Don’t listen to her. She could be a doctor with the wealth of knowledge she has. I’m sure you were very well taken care of.”

“And this here is Alaska, she’s Dash’s mate,” Dakota says as she takes Alaska’s hand.

I smile at Alaska; she’s got an exotic look to her with her auburn curly hair and slightly slanted eyes. She’s so well put together that I immediately feel frumpy sitting here in Fang’s T-shirt and jeans with no shoes on.

“Nice to meet you,” I say just as Onyx comes back into the room.

“Oh, you’re all here, great,” she says as she takes a seat next to me. “I was feeding Myst because she missed breakfast. Anyone want anything?”

Dakota shakes her head as she comes to sit on my other side.

“I’ll have some coffee, but don’t worry I’ll make it myself,” Siena says as Onyx was about to get up to go and make her coffee. “Want some Alaska?” Alaska nods as she too comes to sit at the table.

“Why don’t you tell us about yourself? Dakota said that you have known Fang since you were a child?” Alaska asks.

It’s strange to be with a different pack, but the women seem friendly, and I really want to try to fit in because this is now Fang’s family, and as his mate, mine too. I was never happy before. After my parents died, I felt more alone than ever, and then when Fang left, there was nothing there for me. I had no real friends because I wasn’t a shifter, and I always had the feeling that they just put up with me because I was born into the pack.

“Yes, Fang and I were born in the same pack, but while he’s a shifter, I am human. I was never able to shift, even though my father was a shifter,” I reveal as I shrug. “When I heard that Fang was living here, and that he was part of the Wolverine MC, I made plans to come here, but Grimm overheard me and tried to stop my plans.”

“Did Grimm do that?” Siena asks as she places Alaska’s mug before her and takes a seat.

“Yes, he did.” I reply

“Isn’t Grimm, Fang’s brother?” Onyx asks, throwing a look at Dakota who only nods.

“Yes, but there has always been bad blood between them even when they were young,” I say remembering their constant fights.

“Yes, I remember Hawk was tell…” Onyx starts to say but is interrupted by the sound of shooting.

“What the hell?” Siena asks as we all stand up. My heart is racing in fright. Did Grimm come to get me?

There are running footsteps and then a man with the Wolverine MC kutte rushes into the kitchen, wearing a Prospect patch.

“Sabre, what’s happening?” Siena asks.

“The Hades MC are attacking. Hunter wants you all to hide in the woods until he comes to get you. Split up, don’t stay together.” After relaying his message, he is charging out of the kitchen, not waiting to see if we do what he said or not.

“Oh no, Hunter is by himself,” Dakota cries out as she turns to follow the prospect, but Siena grabs her arm.

“He has the prospects, you need to hide, you know he won’t be able to do what he needs to if he’s worried about you,” Alaska says as she starts pulling her towards the door on the other side of the kitchen, which I only see when she opens it and leads outside.

I can see the concern in Dakota’s face as she looks back, but reluctantly follows Alaska. “Come on, we need to go,” Onyx calls when I realize that I am just standing there looking at everything going on around me instead of running.

Taking in a deep breath, I make my way out after Onyx, cringing as I try to run, but my wound restricts any fast movements. “Dakota and I will go this way,” Alaska says as they veer to the left, I see Onyx and Siena looking back at me.

“Don’t worry about me; I’ll just slow you down. Go, I will hide,” I call out

“But you don’t know the area yet,” Siena says, looking unsurely around the woods as if she was waiting for someone to suddenly rush her.

“Hiding is hiding. Don’t worry, just go,” I plead, feeling awful that they are holding back because of me.