“Siena go, I will hide with Myst,” Onyx says as she waves her hand at Siena for her to leave. We have just made it into the woods, and hear the shots ringing out loudly all around us.

“Stick a sock in it, Onyx, you know I’m not leaving you two,” Siena mutters as she points towards a boulder. “Myst, hide in there, it's quite hidden.”

I nod heading that way. “Onyx, can you climb trees?” I hear Siena ask as I approach the boulder. I don’t hear Onyx’s reply as I squeeze between the boulder and a tree trunk. Tensing when I realize that it has suddenly gone deathly quiet.

What happened? Have they managed to breach the club or did Hunter, and the prospects manage to drive them back? I look around trying to find something that will help me defend myself if someone finds me. There are a few sticks but none of them would help me if someone tried to grab me.

Shaking my head, I take in a deep breath hoping that everything has calmed and soon someone will come looking for us, telling us that everything is okay.

A few minutes later, I hear shouting, then men’s voices as they approach. I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest as I see a man come into sight.

Oh no, what happened to Hunter and the prospects if they have managed to make it here?

“Find them!” someone roars, and I see another two men come into view.

Are they looking for us?

“I want at least one of them. They take our women, we take theirs.”

They are looking for us! All the men are away, we don’t know when they will come back, what if they find Dakota? I can’t let them take Dakota; it would be a tragedy if they hurt her. I hope Onyx and Siena managed to find good places to hide.

The men are hurrying through the woods like a stampede of horses. My life has been fairly quiet, with the exception of Grimm, but now in the short space of a week, I have been chased by a shifter and now I’m being hunted by a motorcycle club that is set on revenge. I don’t know how long I sit here, listening to every single little sound around me. Waiting at any minute to be found by one of them.

The footsteps recede, as the men walk further into the woods, closing my eyes I pray that they don’t find any of the other women. My eyes snap open when I hear a twig crack near me. There before me is one of the Hades MC men, his hands crossed across his chest as he grins at me with an evil glint in his eyes.

“Well, hello there,” he says in a conversational tone. “How about you come out of there? And don’t try to run, because I will have to hurt you if you do.” His tone is conversational, but I have no doubt that he means exactly what he says, and I have the feeling that he would relish in the opportunity to hurt me.

They only need one woman, maybe now that they have found me, they will stop looking for the others. “We found one.” A man calls out from somewhere, which has the man before me look up.

“Let’s go!” he calls and then his eyes are on me again. “You too,” he snaps. This time his voice is hard. Sighing, I make my way towards him, I can feel the burn of my wounds, and know that I must have pulled out some of the stiches.

The minute I reach him his hand grabs my upper arm as he starts dragging me after him. From the corner of my eye, I see a man dragging Onyx behind him as another two men follow them.

Oh no, they caught Onyx.

“Who is she?” the one man asks as he looks at me.

“We will find out once we get back. For now, she’s ours,” the man that grabbed me says. “I see we got the lawyer. Good. Maybe she will be useful while with us.”

I gasp as we walk around the front of the building and I see Hunter lying on the ground. I can’t tell if he’s dead, but I hope he’s not.

I am pushed into a van; Onyx is dragged in by the man that was holding her. I see her lip is bleeding and there is a bruise appearing on her cheek. Our eyes meet and I see fear in hers, which must mirror my own. I can tell by looking at these men that they are nothing like Fang or the men I met when I came to the club.

It’s clear that they aren’t shifters, but they are evil. Everything about them shouts it. The van starts moving, making its way out of the club. All we can hope for is that the police stop the van on the way to where they are taking us, because I have a feeling that once we get to wherever we are being taken to, things will become ugly.

“How are you?” Onyx asks quietly.

“Shut up!” the man snaps, glaring at us.

I look at Onyx seeing her eyes lower to my side and then back up to mine. I nod to let her know that I’m okay, but that’s a lie because I can feel the blood seeping out from the wound, which tells me that I must have torn my stitches while I was dragged to the van.

Fang, please find me before it’s too late!