“Yes, I am very sure.”

“Why would Mr. Ravage insist that you were?” the Inspector asks with a scowl

“He tried to stop me from coming here, you see, Grimm and Fang are brothers.” At my statement I see the surprise on the Inspectors face. “Grimm can’t stand the thought of his brother being happy, and he knows that I love Fang. When I left to come and join Fang here at the club, he came after me.”

“If that is the case, I will have a stern talk with Mr. Ravage.” He says angrily as he glances behind him towards where Grimm is sitting in the car. Then he is looking back towards me as he slides his hand inside the pocket on his shirt, pulling out a business card.

“Here is my number, if you need anything give me a call.” Taking the card, I smile, but internally I’m silently praying that he hurries up and leaves.

“Thank you, now if there is nothing else?” I ask as I stand

“No, and I’m sorry to have disturbed you.” We make our way towards the others. The situation is tense, but I’m hoping that as soon as they leave the tension will dissipate.

“King, sorry for this interruption.” The inspector says as he turns towards the car. King doesn’t answer, but by his tense features I know that he would like nothing more than to throttle the police that are sitting tensely in their vehicles. When I come to a stop before Fang, he slides his right arm around my waist, pulling my back against his chest.

His muscles feel like steel bands and his breathing is laboured as if he has been running through the forest. I know the willpower that standing down must have taken, the rage against his brother that is desperately wanting to be unleashed. Lifting my hands, I stroke the arm around my waist, laying my neck back.

“Dixon, you and Goliath ride to the police station. That fucker will have to leave there some time, I want him brought here.” King orders.

“I will go!” Fang states

“No, you are not going to kill him in front of a bunch of cops.” King snaps

“I have…” Fang starts to say

“I said no, you will get him all to yourself when he is brought here.” I know that Fang’s temper is getting the best of him, and not letting him think straight, turning in Fang’s arms I look up at Fang’s tense features.

“Can we go for a walk” my request has him looking down at me and frowning for a minute before he nods. Taking a step back I take his hand pulling him towards the woods only to come to an abrupt stop as he stops. Glancing back, I see him looking at me with a closed expression on his face.

“Why did you stop?” I ask, glancing behind Fang to see everyone else making their way inside while Dixon and Goliath ride out.

“You can stop trying to drag me away,” he states conversationally, “I’m good.” His words have me biting my bottom lip in uncertainty. Is he upset that I was trying to get him away from an argument with King?

“Are you?” my question has him yanking at the hand which I was pulling him with. Falling against his chest in surprise I gasp as I look up at him only to have his lips come crashing down against mine.

The kiss is all consuming and possessive, leaving no doubt in my mind of Fang’s virility. I can still sense the anger in him, but now the passion is batting away his rage. I know that this is a short-lived respite, and that as soon as Grimm and Fang face each other, all hell will break loose, but for now he is safe, and he is here with me.

“As long as you are with me, yes, I’m good.” He answers against my lips. Lifting my arms, I slide my hands up his neck, sliding my fingers into his hair as I kiss him with all the passion I am feeling for this man.

I don’t know how long we stand kissing each other, enjoying the fact that we are together, and even though Grimm is trying to erect a wedge between us, he will not manage it.

When we finally pull apart, I am breathless, and my panties are soaked through. I want this man, I want him with a desperate, all-consuming passion that burns every thought from my mind where he is concerned. I see Fang's nostrils flare when the evidence of my most intimate desire explodes through his senses.

A deep growl rumbles in his throat as he looks down at me. “Mine!”

I smile at his possessiveness, placing my hand over his heart, “and you are mine!” I state, seeing his eyes flare in pleasure at my corresponding possessiveness.