“Fang” looking up from where I am chopping the log, I see Dash as he comes through the trees. “They know where he is.” His words have me burying the axe deep in the log as I turn towards him.

I know that Goliath and Dixon followed Grimm when he left the police station, but he saw them, which had him giving them the slip. Needless to say, King was not impressed, but Goliath and Dixon didn’t give up and it looks like they have found him again.

“Hopefully he doesn’t run again.” I mutter as I start making my way towards Dash. After yesterday’s surprise visit, I spent the evening enjoying Myst company. My woman can drive every thought out of my mind, her body is a temple that I don’t mind worshiping every day.

“He’s not going anywhere, they have him cornered.” I thought that I would be happy about-facing Grimm, but to know that I am finally going to fight my own brother, in a way, it has my gut churning. I won’t let him live, as that would be stupid and dangerous. Before I kill Grimm, I want to know why he has always been so hell bent on destroying me.

“I’m just going to go and tell Myst I’m going out; she’s been jittery since yesterday; I don’t want her to worry.” I state as I make my way up the path to the club.

“You think that if you tell her that you are on your way to go and kill your brother, she isn’t going to worry?” Dash asks with a raised brow.

“I’m not going to tell her that we found Grimm, I’ll just say that I’m going on a run for the club.” I reply, as technically this is for the club, I won’t be lying even though the reason this has become a club issue is because of me. Huffing in annoyance, I walk inside and towards my room knowing that Myst will still be asleep as we didn’t get much sleep last night. Closing the bedroom door behind me I see her peaceful expression as she continues sleeping.

Approaching the bed, I feel my body react to the nearness of my woman. Her one breast is peaking from where the sheet is drooping down. Without pulling the sheet down I envision every single curve that is my woman. I don’t know what she has done to me, but I could sit and stare at her the whole day.

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed I stroke her rosy cheek until she opens her eyes. At first, there is disorientation in her expression, but as soon as she sees me a smile widens her lips. “Mmm” she sighs, which has my cock twitch in readiness.

Shifters naturally have a high sex drive, but once we find our mates it is known that we are completely taken with passion for them. I know that I will always want my woman with the same intensity that I do at this moment, I know that our passion will grow instead of diminishing. The minute Myst walked into my life again and I realized that she was my mate, it was the day that I stopped looking at other women, no other woman will ever be able to compare to what I now feel for my mate.

“You up?” she asks in a sleepy voice, as she looks down over my t-shirt and jeans.

“Yeah, in more ways than one.” I mutter, “I have to go out, but I wanted to let you know so you don’t wake up and I’m gone.” Her hand shoots up to cover mine that is still cupping her face. Her expression suddenly tense as she sits up. “It’s fine, I’m going on club business”

I hate the fact that my woman is scared, but as soon as Grimm is gone, all this will be over and we can both enjoy our life without looking back over our shoulder, everyday worried about what Grimm is up to.

“Be careful.” She murmurs as she slides her bottom lip between her teeth. Lowering my head, I kiss her lips, stopping her from hurting herself even if it’s as little as chewing on her bottom lip. I don’t want my woman hurting in any way whatsoever.

When I once again lift my head, her eyes are filled with passion mirroring mine. “Don’t worry,” I order as I stand, not wanting Dash to come looking for me.

Turning towards the bedroom door I pick up my kutte from the back of the chair where I laid it last night. Slipping it on I glance back and wink at Myst before I slip out, closing the door behind me.

I will give Myst the life that she deserves, she has been robbed of her parents when she was way too young, leaving her open to the hurt that not being a shifter in a pack of wolves creates. I will not rob her of her mate too. I will make sure that I am careful and keep an eye for any underhanded manipulation, or trap that Grimm might have for me.

When I walk back into the bar, I am surprised to see Frost leaning against the outside door, his hands in the pocket of his jeans, his foot on the frame of the door as he looks out. Dash and Gunner are outside as I can see them through the door, they are both sitting on their bikes.

“Are you coming?” I ask Frost as I approach.

“Yeah” he replies as he starts making his way towards his Harley. I know that King must have told Frost to make sure that Grimm doesn’t come out of there alive.

Frost won’t hesitate in killing Grimm, while I’m sure King thinks that because of our past and him being blood, I will. The only difference now is that I have a mate, and because of that I will not let him live.

Heading out of the club, Dash and Gunner riding in front and Frost slightly behind me. We head towards where Goliath and Dixon have Grimm, the closer we get, the tenser I get. The rage that courses through my body every time I think of my brother has me wanting to lose my head like a berserker.

We ride into the parking lot of a rundown warehouse, parking our bikes next to Dixon and Goliaths Harley’s. Getting off my bike I lift my head to scent the air and tense.

“There are others here.” Gunner states as he looks around, “how many are with Grimm?”

“Goliath didn’t say there were more when he phoned.” Dash replies

“Where are you going?” Gunner asks as Frost starts making his way towards the trees on the opposite side of the dilapidated warehouse.

“I’m getting the fucker hiding in the trees.” Frost replies nonchalantly, continuing on his way without looking back.

“Dash” I call, inclining my head towards Frost. I know that it’s no use telling Frost not to go, because Frost listens to no one but King and thats only when he wants to.

“Should I phone King to get the others down here?” Gunner asks as he pulls his gun out from behind his back.