“Oh,” I gasp at his sudden movement as his hand covers mine over his heart, I look up and see that he is focused on me. “Is it sore?” I whisper, but instead of his answer I get his head lowering and his lips covering mine in a possessive kiss that soon has me forgetting everything around me as I slide my other hand up over his chest and around the back of his neck as I entwine my fingers through his hair. The kiss is all-consuming, which has me forgetting about everything but this moment in time that’s why it’s such a shock when suddenly instead of having Dash’s lips on mine I find myself behind his back as he stands tensely in front of me.

What the hell is happening, Is this still part of the Initiation? I look to my left and see the men are all facing the path we walked from the house down here. King throws back his head and howls, the sound eerie, which has the hair on the back of my neck lifting. “What’s wrong?” I ask, but no one answers.

“Goliath, Dixon with me,” King says as before my eyes I see the three men changing into their wolf form, I swear no matter how long I live with these men, that will never grow old. I slide my arms around Dash’s waist from behind and move my body flush to his, feeling his muscles rippling below my fingers.

“Dash what’s happening?” I whisper again.

“Someone is on our property,” he says, his one arm behind him as he holds me close to him, “We are going to start moving up to the club, stay close to me.” I look to my right and see that there are three more wolves prowling behind us, which I’m deducing are Blue, Fang and Frost as I don’t see them, as Hunter and Hawk are beside us with Onix and Dakota behind them too.

Gunner is before all of us in his human form as he leads the way up towards the club. Suddenly I hear a shot and then all hell breaks loose. One moment I’m standing behind Dash making our way up to the club, the next I am lying flat on the ground with Dash over me. “Stay still,” he whispers in my ear. I don’t want to distract him, so I nod, but my heart is racing in fright.

“Who the hell is shooting?” I hear Onix ask, her voice pitched with nerves.

“Hades,” Hawk replies.

“There are five of them. Wait, no four,” Hunter says, just as I hear another howl and then Dash is swearing from above me and I see the three wolves that were prowling behind us rush off.

“What happened?” Dakota asks.

“King called them,” Hunter replies. “We need to move now and get to the tree line, we are sitting ducks in the open.”

“I’m going to slide to the side, when I say get up and run, you run” Dash says in a deep rough voice. I look up at him to see his eyes shining in the darkness as they contemplate the tree line. “Now,” he growls, I am still getting up when I feel his hand on my upper arm helping me the rest of the way up. I am running as fast as I can, but my feet are hardly touching the ground as Dash practically carries me to safety. When we finally arrive in the protection of the trees Dash places me against a tree as he stands before me.

“To the left,” Hawk mutters, which has me looking to my left. In this darkness with the trees looming around us I can hardly see a couple of feet before me, but I am sure as wolves they can see quite far. And then I hear a low growl before there is a man’s screams as if he is being ripped apart.

My breath is choppy as I try to calm my nerves, and then I feel Dash’s arms slide around me as he holds me close. “Shht baby, its over” he whispers, “It’s all over.”


“Those motherfuckers came here in darkness, what the fuck did they want?” Gunner asks what is on all our minds.

“Well, they are all fucking dead, so we don’t know, now do we?” King states angrily as he runs his fingers through his hair.

“I think they suspect that Joy is here, and they came looking for her,” Goliath states as he leans back in his chair. We have been back at the club for about an hour after disposing of the remains of the bodies. The women are all asleep upstairs after the day they have had and we are sitting in the meeting room going through what happened and making sure that we don’t miss anything in case someone comes looking for them.

“I knew we were going to have trouble with her,” Fang mutters as he crosses his arms.

“Well, I doubt Skull will come looking for them or it will be admitting that he had his men come here to spy on us when we specifically told him that we didn’t have her,” I state. “What we should worry about is what are we going to do with their bikes?” We found their bikes a quarter of a mile down the road and now have brought them here, but we can’t keep them for long as that will be a risk in case someone does come looking for them.

“Dixon and Frost can take the prospects and run them down to Joe’s spares, Gunner, you take the van and pick them up.” Joe has done some work for us previously, where he stripped a bike for spares.

“We are talking about six bikes; you think he will take that many?” Dixon asks as he rubs his jaw in thought.

“Joe only cares about one thing, and that is money,” King states. “You give him bikes for spares and money and he will be smiling at you.”

“We must just make sure that no one can link those bikes to us. You know he had heat on him a couple of years ago,” Fang says, as he looks at King.

“We can file the engine numbers down, make sure that even if there is heat that they won’t have proof of whose bikes they are,” I say thinking of the six bikes in our workshop, none of them have a specific design and even though they are good bikes they are pretty standard which tells me that the men that were sent were prospects as members usually have work done to their bikes.

“I’m going to go and ask our friendly prisoner if he knows who they were,” Fang says, a couple of months ago he was shot by one of the Hades, to the fucker’s bad luck we manged to capture him and ever since then Fang has taken pleasure in torturing the man.

“When are you going to end it?” King asks with a raised brow. We all thought that Fang would kill him outright as he isn’t the most patient among us, but he surprised us as he has maintained him alive. Once we interrogated him for the information we needed, King let Fang at him, but Fang has kept him in pain but alive ever since.

“Don’t know, the asshole is growing on me,” Fang states with a grin.

“Fang,” King warns, only to receive a shrug.

“I believe that he knows more than he is saying, I mean, if I had killed him, he wouldn’t have told us about that last drug run that we caught,” Fang reveals.