“You take way too much pleasure in it,” Goliath says as he looks at Fang.

“Actually no, I’m just practicing the various torturing techniques to see which one works better.” At his comment, I grunt in amusement.

“Okay enough, how are the women holding up?” King asks as he looks at Hawk, Hunter and me.

“Dakota is sleeping, but she was quite shaken up. I think after seeing the attack last time, and now this.” Hunter shrugs, “It has shaken her up.” I guess that after seeing the attack by the Hades last time where they took the blossoms and killed one of our prospects, what happened today would bring it all back.

“Onix was pacing up and down even with her injured feet trying to make sense of everything, you know how she is!” Hawk says, “but I finally got her to go sleep.

“Alaska is sleeping, but she had a lot of questions.” I remember her frightened look when we got to the room. How she wanted to know if this was a normal occurrence and what she should be expecting. I want my woman to feel safe, knowing that I have brought her here to protect her and now she ends up being more scared than what she was before does not sit well with me.

“It was a turbulent Initiation, that’s for sure,” Frost states as he rubs his neck.

“Yeah, he was like a beacon running,” Fang says with a grin, “all you could see was a white ass in the darkness. It was fucking blinding me.” I lift my hand, showing him the finger, but I grin at his quip.

“No one told you to look,” I reply.

“How were their feet?” Goliath asks with a frown which instantly kills the light heartedness when I think of the cuts and scrapes on Alaska’s feet, because of being bare feet the women automatically started running without their shoes, needless to say their feet took the brunt of this escapade. As shifters, our feet are used to the rough terrain, but our women are soft.

When Onix muttered about something cutting her foot on the way back to the club after knowing that they were safe, the three of us realized that the women had been running barefoot. When I turned to Alaska, I noticed her painful walk, which had my anger rising again. If I had been able to kill those bastards again, I would have for having been the culprits of her injuries. Picking her up, I carried her the rest of the way, but the damage was already done.

“They have some cuts but nothing serious,” Hunter answers, when we got back Dakota looked at her feet and then Onix and Alaska’s, but they were all let off with minor cuts and bruises. When we got back to the room, I helped her wash them before helping her change to get into bed.

“Good, well I think we should all try to get some sleep because tomorrow morning I want those tanks filed down before they are taken,” King orders as he stands.

“Dash, we need to hold on to this Stalker business until after we have disposed of the bikes,” King says before I walk out, which has me stopping and turning back to look at him.

“No problem, now that she’s here she’s safe,” I reply, “but the fucker will pay for driving over my bike and for scaring my woman.” I promise.

“Have you got any idea of who it might be?” King asks as he approaches.

“No, not yet,” I say with a shrug, “but Goliath looked into the photographer and her agent. There was nothing that would indicate that they are the stalker. Also, they are both out of the country now.” Which is really frustrating because we will have to look into every single person that she knows and at the end it might not even be someone that she knows and be a fanatic fan.

“What about her parents, do you know if they told anyone?” King asks as we walk out of the meeting room towards the stairs that lead up to the rooms.

“She hasn’t asked them yet as she doesn’t want them to worry, but I will get her to speak to them soon.”

“You know your woman is a public figure, I hope that won’t become a problem,” King says as we both stop at the bottom of the stairs as I look at him.

“Blue is a public figure, and that hasn’t been a problem before,” I state. Blue, a popular singer, usually has fans asking him for autographs, but they have never been a case for worry when it comes to the fact that we are shifters, and the property is well protected. We usually have prospects patrolling the area at night and during the day we patrol to make sure that no one that isn’t invited decides to come and pay us a visit.

Usually we can scent someone from afar, but only if the wind is blowing our way, therefore we have shifts patrolling to make sure that we are safe at all times. King places his hand on my shoulder as he looks at me with a serious look on his face.

“I am happy that you found your mate Dash, she seems like a good woman.” I smile at King’s compliment and then I am turning and making my way upstairs and towards my mate. Opening the door, I walk in, only to find Alaska sitting by the window instead of in bed like I left her.

“Can’t you sleep?” I ask when she looks at me.

“No,” she murmurs.

“Are your feet hurting you?” I walk towards her, kneeling down I take one in my hand to inspect if any of the cuts are looking infected, but they seem fine.

“Mmm,” she murmurs as I stroke the top of her foot, “no, they are fine.”

“Don’t be scared,” I say before transforming into my wolf, I hear her gasp, but she doesn’t move. I start licking at her foot and at first, she starts to wiggle her foot and laughing but the more I insist she quiets and lets me heal her. My Saliva as her mate will heal her cuts faster than normal. I feel her hand on the top of my head, stroking at the fur, my eyes close in pleasure at her tender ministrations.

My wolf is at peace with its mate’s touch. “You have such soft fur,” she whispers. “I don’t even know if you can understand me like this.” We are both enjoying each other’s company, our energy entwined, at peace.

“You know, before coming here I was always busy. I always had something going on. When I look out the window at the stars, I feel like I haven’t seen them in such a long time.” She sighs, which has me opening my eyes to look up at her, I see her looking out of the window at the stars as she continues stroking my head. “This has been the scariest day of my life, but I still feel a peace within me that I haven’t felt in a very long time.” She looks down at me, a sad smile on her face which has my heart feeling heavy. “Today at the Initiation I realized for the first time how serious this is, I think that even though you told me that you were a shifter and that we were mated It hadn’t really sank in, but I felt it tonight and I feel it now.”