She’s so fucking cute. Will I survive tonight? I’m not so sure.

“What’s your choice?” I ask.

She rests the cursor on Wonder Woman, raising her eyebrows my way. “I’m kidding,” she says before I say anything.

“A Quiet Place?” I offer.

“And I won’t even make you play me for it.”

“I regret ever telling you that. Just FYI, I do win. Often.”

“I’m sure you do.”

I want to kiss that cocky smirk off her face. “Just play the movie.”

She smiles sweetly and presses Play, wiggles under the blankets, and turns off the lights. “I’ll be checking on you. No falling asleep.”

A grunt is my only response.

* * *

You knowwhat’s the worst thing you can do with the woman you want but can’t have? The same woman you’ve been jerking off to for weeks? The woman you kissed less than five hours ago and can’t wait to kiss again? Watch a movie with zero sound when she’s sitting one bed away.

Room service has arrived, and I suggest we watch the movie while we eat, but no, she’s decided we should pause it because we’ll miss something.

“Are we going to eat in silence since we can’t watch the movie?” I ask, needing something as a distraction.

“We could talk,” she offers, stabbing her lettuce with her fork.

“About the campaign?” I’m torn because I don’t want to talk about the campaign, and I don’t want to talk about myself. I’m a pro at this though, so I’ll swing the conversation her way. “What’s the deal with you and your mom?”

She blanches. “Um… want to talk about past hookups?”

“Those aren’t nearly as interesting as your mom.”

“I don’t believe that. Have you ever had any stalkers?” She picks up her drink.

I snag a nacho chip. “No. Why would a woman stalk me?”

I fail to mention the girl in college who had a hard time realizing we’d hooked up and there wouldn’t be anything after.

She looks me over, her pupils dilated. “You’re you.”

“I take it you consider that a good thing?” Then why were you repulsed when I kissed you?

“Oh please. I’m pretty sure you live in a house with mirrors.” She bites into her potato skin.

I chuckle. “I do.”

She waits for me to say something else, but silence falls over the room.

“What about you?” Time to turn the tables. “How many serious boyfriends have you had?”

She places the potato skin down and sips her Coke. “Why do you assume there were boyfriends? Maybe I just had hookups.”

I laugh.
