“Because you’re not the type.”

She accepts defeat quickly. “No one worth talking about. Believe me, if we swapped rosters, I’m sure you’re more a football team and I’m more of a basketball team.”

“Sports analogy. I like it.” I don’t refute that my list of partners is probably much longer than hers. No way she’s willing to sleep with just anyone. Nor should she be. She’s damn near perfect. If perfect is beautiful, bossy, and sometimes infuriating.

She only eats half of her food and I accept her leftovers, the nachos not nearly enough to fill me.

“Can we play a game of rock, paper, scissors?” she asks coyly, as though she’s shy to ask, but it’s something she really wants to do.

I blow out a breath. “Are we playing for something?”

“No. Unless you want to.”

“How about questions and answers?” I say.

“What do you mean?”

“If I lose, you get to ask me a question. If I win, I get to ask you a question.”

“So this will pretty much be the Enzo Mancini show?” She giggles, jumping off her bed and onto mine, the Wonder Woman T-shirt rising up her waist. She’s quick to pull it down, and her cheeks flush my favorite apricot color.

“You wish.” I push away the room service table, wiping my hands and mouth with a napkin.

“On the count of three.”

From her eagerness, I worry she’s some kind of pro.



“Three,” she says.

She shoots scissors.

I shoot paper.

She uses her fingers to cut my flat palm as if it’s paper. Dom, Carm, and I don’t do that.

I like it.

“I win.” She dances with her upper body and her breasts jiggle.

Holy shit, is she not wearing a bra?

“Shoot.” I nod at her.

She stares at the ceiling for a second then levels her gaze on me. “Were you ever hurt by a woman? Is that why you can’t commit to anyone?”

“No and no. Should I ask why you’d ask that question?”

She shakes her head. “I always had this suspicion about you. You never brought a woman to the Christmas party. You didn’t treat your assistants very nicely.”

“So you thought a woman tore my heart out?”

She shrugs. “Yeah.”

“And what do you think now?” I down a gulp of my water.