“It’s one round unless there’re two losers.” Carm rehashes the rules we made when we were young and stupid.

“One.” Dom pounds his fist. “Two.” He pounds it again. “Three.”

Dom shoots rock.

Carm shoots scissors.

I shoot scissors.

Dom leans back, grabs his money clip out of his pocket. “It’s between you two losers now.”

He leans over, handing Kate money before she can give him the bill. That’s what happens when you come to the same restaurant and order the same thing every Thursday.

Carm faces me. His salad is still untouched.

“One,” I say, my voice void of any enthusiasm. “Two.” I pound my fist. “Three.”

I shoot scissors.

Carm shoots rock.

What the fuck? It’s a conspiracy. I know I win at this game sometimes.

“Woo hoo!” Carm stands, high-fiving Dom as he slides out of his chair. “Loser.” He points at me with both of his forefingers and swivels his hips into some lame-ass dance.

Dom’s big hand clasps my shoulder. “Good luck. Better you than me. All I know are traders and they’re selfish pricks.”

He leaves the restaurant without so much as a goodbye, and Carm slides back into his seat.

“Man, you really suck at this game.”

I ignore him, continuing to eat my pizza.

“Oh, don’t sulk.” He chuckles.

I’m not sulking though. I’m running through the list of guys I know, but none of them are good enough for my baby sister.

We eat our lunch while Carm regales me with a detailed account of his time with Trina and Kitty from the gym. Carm’s lucky I haven’t thrown up from his very detailed description. I’ve told him to stop talking about five times now.

My phone vibrates in my pocket as I finish my last slice. I slide it out of my pocket and see the time.

“Shit. I gotta go.” I wipe my mouth. “See you later.”

“Don’t work so hard,” he jokes because the three of us could start our own support group for workaholics.

I’m in the cab, headed back to the office when a text message comes through.

Carm: Jackass. You left me with the bill.

I laugh, knowing full well what I did.

Me: Sorry. I’ll get you back.

Never. He and Dom have no problem with their rock, paper, scissors shit. If I have to go search out guys for our sister, Carm’s buying my lunch. Where do I find an available guy deserving of my baby sister? There’s only one woman I can think to ask.