
Enzo and I sit on the one side of the double-sided mirror, looking into the room with the test group. We’re alone at the moment because Billy is on some emergency campaign problem with Mr. Zilroy and Jake.

In the room are parents with their babies, most playing with toys. Others rock their newborns. A changing table has been set up to see which products they choose when caring for their baby.

My notes are minimal and I’m already doubting this process will help us come up with a campaign, but I’m the newbie here, so I keep my mouth shut.

“You’re single, right?”

Enzo’s question throws me. I turn toward him. His eyes are still on the parents and their kids. “Um…”

“Yeah, I know it’s probably against the code of conduct that I ask, but are you?”

I tap my pen on the table. “I am. I thought we went over this the other day?”

Is he going to ask me out? Does he want to know because this slow-burning sizzle between us hasn’t gone away yet? What will I say? As much as I want to explore this thing between us, I won’t put this junior executive position at risk.

“Where do you find guys?” he asks.

I glance at him. Once again, he’s not looking at me. Maybe he’s embarrassed? “The usual places. Bars, Tinder… it all depends on the mood I’m in.”

“Mood?” His gaze finally meets mine.

I purposely look away because I’m not sure I can keep a straight face. “Whether I want to just hit it and quit it or if I want to snuggle afterward, you know?”

He turns his chair to face me now, his legs splaying open. He seems relaxed. His suit jacket has been discarded on the couch. His shirt sleeves are rolled up, revealing corded muscles in his forearms. He taps his pen on the table, the only hint that there’s any tension brewing inside him.

“Hit it and quit it?” He raises an eyebrow.

“Don’t act like you don’t do Tinder when you’re horny.” I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

“I’ve never used Tinder.” From the steady rhythm of his words, I’d say he’s telling the truth.

“You’re missing out.” I sip from my water bottle before I lose it.

“Shut up. You’re on Tinder?”


He grabs his phone from the table.

A baby cries in the room, and I turn my attention to the mirror to make sure everything is okay. A mom changes her baby on the changing table and he obviously hates the experience, kicking his feet and swatting his hands at her. Her face is flushed with embarrassment as she peers around to make sure her baby isn’t bothering anyone else. I jot a few notes about moms worrying about what others think. Babies who don’t like their diapers being changed.

My phone dings next to me. I pick it up absentmindedly, my mind solely on whether we can do something with what I just witnessed. The Tinder app I let Mae convince me to put on my phone has a notification.

I side-eye Enzo, knowing he has something to do with this.

I click on the app. There’s Enzo’s picture with a big blue box that says, “Super Liked.” I shake my head, placing my phone face down on the table.

“That’s disheartening,” he says.

I swivel my chair toward him, and my legs knock his. “I thought you didn’t use Tinder.”

“I don’t, but I’ll admit to downloading the app. You never know.” He shrugs those strong shoulders of his.

“Hmm… I don’t believe you.”