“Perfect.” She leans forward. “Enzo might get pissed, but you know that makes the sex that much better.” Her eyebrows shoot up and her body shivers as though she’s thinking about it right now.

“Make-up sex for the win?” I chuckle.

“Oh, we won’t really fight over it, but he’s going to argue with me about it and I might put up a small fight because he loves it when our debates turn into hot sex. Just think, if you and Carm ever…” My hand covers her mouth and she stops talking, so I let it go. “Your secret is safe with me.” She winks.

I shake my head. “Nothing will ever happen between Carm and me. You can get that thought out of your head right now.” I point at her then spin and leave the office, Annie’s giggle trailing behind me.

* * *

Twenty minutes later,the door of my main office opens.

“Look who finally decided to cross the line… I guess it’s not true what they say. Salt won’t keep demons out.” Max pushes her chair out from her desk and crosses her arms.

I pick up my bottle of water from our small break station and turn around to watch the show.

“Max, I presume?” His gaze veers to mine for a moment.

“Carm, I presume?” she says in a fake excited tone. “I knew your ads were airbrushed.”

His nostrils flare and I giggle. He swivels toward me. “We need to talk.”

“Do we?”

“You have to make an appointment,” Max chimes in.

“When is she available?” he asks through gritted teeth.

“She’s on her break now. Would you like to have a seat?” She picks up the basket of cookies my mom sent. She gives him a saccharine smile. “Cookie while you wait?”

I have no idea how Max does it, but I’m biting my lip to keep from laughing.

He turns to look at me again and throws up his arms. “Seriously?”

My laugh bubbles out. “Grab a cookie to calm down.” I nod toward my office. “Come on in.”

“Sugar are my favorite, so I wouldn’t take one of those if I were you.” Max eyes his hand in the basket.

“I like to live dangerously.” He snags a sugar cookie, unwraps it, and takes a big bite right in front of her.

“Ugh… disgusting.”

He smiles as he chews and rounds her desk to my office.

“I don’t suggest pissing off Max,” I say, shutting the door after he enters.

“Justin will calm her down later,” he says, sitting in the chair in front of my desk.

My forehead wrinkles and I take a seat. “What?”

“Justin, my assistant. I think they’re fucking.” He crunches the cellophane into a ball and shoots it into my trash can.

Cocky bastard makes it too.

“They are not. Justin is far from Max’s type.”

He shrugs as though he doesn’t really care either way. “Opposites attract.”

“That’s like opposite species.”