“Hey, my boy has game.” He swallows his cookie and rests his ankle on his knee.

I shake my head. “What do you need?”

“This.” He wags a finger between us. “Let’s figure out how we’re going to live together in the same house for forty-eight hours every weekend.”

I lean back in my office chair. “I figure like everyone else. It’ll be an adjustment, but we’ll figure it out.”

He shakes his head. “I say we agree that we won’t bring other people back.”

“I highly doubt I’m the one who will make that a problem.”

“I’ll go to the chick’s house.” He shrugs.

“Why would you feel the need to sneak around? I’m fine if you bring someone back.” My chest squeezes painfully as the words leave my mouth, but if I keep lying, I’ll be good.

“Believe me, crazy shit happens out of jealousy all the time and I’ll admit right now, if you show up with some guy, I might lose my shit.”

That’s almost sweet. It kind of makes me want to bring someone home to see what he’d do.

“Why would you lose your shit?” I shake my head. “Never mind.”

He looks behind him through the glass then back at me, leaning forward in his chair. “Listen, I’m gonna shoot straight right now. I want you. I want you under me, above me, next to me. I want your ass in the air, on all fours, pussy wet.”

My eyes widen to the point that I probably resemble a Dollify character.

“But I’m not the love ‘em and stick with ‘em kind of guy, so that means we have to remain platonic.”

I sip my water, hoping it soothes my suddenly dry mouth. “You assume I wouldn’t say no to you?”

He stares at me long and hard, his thumb trailing across his bottom lip.

God, why is that so damn sexy? I try to keep a shiver from revealing my desire.

“You know you feel the same.”

I lean back in my chair, the picture of relaxation. I hope. “I don’t.”

“Come on. It’s just us.”

I could be an adult and admit that he’s right—I want him to take me however the hell he wants—but I can’t give him that satisfaction. “I’m just joking around. It’s a game.”

His gaze dips to my breasts, probably doing a nipple check. Ha ha, I have a bra, a cami, and a blouse on. You’ll see nothing today, buck-o.

“Okay then, you’re cool if I bring a girl home?” His expression is a challenge.

“For sure.” I shrug. “You’re paying rent too. I can’t dictate the rules.”

He stands from his chair and presses his hands on the back. Those long fingers that could reach so far into me I’d be writhing.

“Then I’ll see you Friday.” He winks, heading to the door.

“Can’t wait.”

He nods, trying to appear as though he knows I’m lying, but he really has no idea. I might be getting good at this game after all.