We’re interrupted by the curtain opening, and in walks Mauro with a pretty brunette.

“Mauro!” Enzo says, standing.

Annie follows suit.

Dom nudges me when I’m the only one not standing.

“This is Maddie,” our cousin Mauro says. “Maddie, this is Enzo, Carm, Dom, and…”

“Annie,” Enzo says, his hand on the small of her back.

The two women shake hands while we all take turns saying hello and hugging Maddie to our chests. We’re Italian, enough said.

“Someone message Blanca,” Dom says.

But we all sit, no one grabbing their phone. Annie huffs, pulls out hers, and texts.

“So wedding, huh?” I say after we’re all seated.

“I can’t believe it, but we’re more than ready.” Mauro grabs Maddie’s hand under the table and she smiles at him like Annie does Enzo. I swear my lunch curdles in my stomach.

“That’s awesome,” I say because I can tell my cousin is happy.

“When’s the bachelor party?” Dom asks.

Mauro glances at Maddie, who’s smiling as though they’ve talked about it at length.

“Mine will be low-key in Chicago, but word is Luca’s will be in Vegas.”

“Love that guy,” I say and sip my beer.

“Carm’s the youngest of the Mancinis,” Mauro says to Maddie.

“Makes sense,” she says with a nod.

“Doesn’t it?” Annie tucks her phone away, always straddling two conversations at the same time. “They’re parking.”

“Why wouldn’t they valet?” Dom asks.

“Because not everyone has the money.” Annie’s always ready to remind Dom that not everyone lives in a world with doormen and private elevators.

“I work hard for that money.”

She gives him her most innocent look. “I never said you didn’t.”

Maddie laughs, and we all turn to her. “You guys are funny. I mean, I guess we all have our own banter. I kind of can’t wait for you to meet Lauren.” She points at me.

Mauro slides his arm behind her chair. “That’ll be fun.”

“Lauren is…?” Please tell me they aren’t going to try the whole fix up thing too.

“Luca’s fiancée.” Mauro seems to question why I wouldn’t know that.

All I keep up with is the tally Ma’s doing. One of her boys has settled down but hasn’t put a ring on it yet, and the other two are single. Blanca is dating some guy who won’t valet in Manhattan. Ma probably looks at the scoreboard and sees how uneven it is.

“She really gave him a fight,” Enzo chimes in. He spent a small amount of time with all of them in Chicago when my zia was sick last year.

“How is Zia?” I ask, steering this conversation away from relationships.

“She’s really good. Super healthy and walking every day.” Maddie answers for Mauro like Annie answers for Enzo when it comes to Ma.

Obviously the same has happened with them—the moms gravitate to the new daughters they acquire. Especially Zia Maria, since she never had a daughter of her own.

“That’s great,” Annie says, and the two of them fall into a conversation.

Blanca finally comes in with some douchebag wearing a fedora and black T-shirt matched with tight jeans. Total hipster. Where the hell does she find these guys? I haven’t liked any guy she’s dated since that Jake guy Annie used to work with, but apparently there weren’t any “sparks” between them. Now that I think about it, Enzo was the one who set her up with him. It’s official—Blanca has the worst track record for picking guys.

She doesn’t miss a beat, sliding Enzo away so she can sit next to the girls. Enzo ends up between Mauro and Dom. At least now I won’t have to feign interest in wedding plans all night.