
The next Monday, I walk into The Mancini Ad Agency and stop at the receptionist’s desk.

I had dinner last night with my mom and Greg before they boarded a flight back to Florida, and Greg gave me the keys to the Hamptons house and instructions to follow.

The receptionist is a cute auburn-haired girl with a friendly smile. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m here to see Annie Stewart,” I say. “I’m Bella Scott from down the hall.”

“Oh, it’s you!” she exclaims, her smile growing.

“I’m sorry?”

She’s busy pressing buttons on her phone, the receiver in hand, but glances up at me. “I’ve heard about you. I couldn’t go to the meet-and-greet thing, but I heard you’re really giving Carm a run for his money.”

“Excuse me?”

She puts a finger in the air. “Mr. Mancini, Bella Scott is here for Miss Stewart.” She covers the receiver. “She’s usually in his office or vice versa.”

“I don’t want to interrupt.”

She almost rolls her eyes but catches herself. “Oh, you’re not. Actually, I think Carm—”

“Tracking me down?” a guy’s voice says in my ear from behind me. A voice I recognize.

I spin around to face Carm. “No. But while you’re here, I heard you decided to do the Hamptons?”

He’s wearing what is now my favorite suit of his. It’s a dark grey pinstripe with a white shirt and a blue tie. He looks so put-together that I want to unravel him.

“Yeah. Turns out my ma is worried about me working too hard.”

“You don’t seem like a guy who cares what other people think?” I cock a hip out to the side.

“Except for his mom,” the receptionist offers.

I turn her way, having forgotten that she’s right there.

“Right. Except for my ma. She’s the only one I take instructions from.” His tongue slides out of his mouth and across his bottom lip.

“Mama’s boy. Didn’t peg you for that.” I ignore the ache between my thighs and dig out the envelope I made for him. “Here’s your key and all the instructions. Maybe try to keep your lady guests to a minimum.”

“There’s that jealous tone you get when we talk about me with other women.” A cocky smirk tilts the corners of his mouth.

“You can imagine whatever you want.”

“It’s not my imagination.” He steps forward. “It’s fact.” His eyes dip to my lips. “Don’t worry, the feeling is mutual.”

“You’re misreading the entire situation.”

“Am I?” He raises an eyebrow in challenge.

“Um…” the receptionist says.

I step back, grabbing whatever willpower I have left to be a safe distance from him. Why is he doing this in front of witnesses? If we were alone… then it dawns on me. He’s doing it now because he knows I’d never do anything with him in front of others.

Two can play this game. Be prepared to be schooled, Mr. Mancini.