He looks at me and shakes his head. “Nothing. It’s just my brother seemed to be happily single one minute and ready for the altar the next. It’s insane to think how fast life can change.”
My breath catches. He has no idea. Has nothing life-changing ever happened to him? I push back the dark thoughts trying to cloud my mind.
“Are you a closet romantic?” I ask, wondering where his comments are coming from.
He makes a sound that says I’m crazy. “I’m too selfish to be into monogamy.”
Annie and Enzo disappear toward the bar, while Carm and I are barely sipping our drinks at this point.
“What?” he asks. “I don’t have to be ashamed for feeling that way. I don’t promise breakfasts and dinner dates and flowers. If I pick you up in a club and go back to your place, you should know I’m not sticking around for cuddle time and breakfast in bed.”
I roll my eyes. Just when I thought he was a halfway decent guy. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Come on. You’ve never had a one-night stand?”
“Why would I ever tell you that?” I bring my drink back to my lips.
“Because we’re here when we’d rather be in bed and we might as well get to know one another.” He sips his drink while his gaze remains steady on me over the rim of his glass, waiting for an answer.
“Do you want to play Never Have I Ever or something?” I set my drink on the table and cross my arms.
He shrugs. “Sure. I’m always game for anything.”
“You’re so juvenile. I’m going to say my goodbyes.” I move to slide out of the opposite side of the booth, but Annie and Enzo approach at that exact moment.
Annie’s not looking very good. Enzo is practically holding her up. Carm slides out of the booth to help with what he can.
“We’re out. Party girl is sleepy,” Enzo says.
“Did she get sick?” I ask.
Her pasty complexion screams that if she hasn’t, she’s going to.
“Not yet.” Enzo shakes his head.
“Want help?” Carm asks.
I would’ve pegged him for the kind of guy to point fingers and laugh at someone who’s had too many, but he only seems concerned about his brother’s girlfriend.
“Nah. I got her.” Enzo sweeps her up and over his shoulder. “Thank God you’re wearing pants,” he murmurs.
Her hair falls down over her head. I think she might be out cold. She doesn’t move at all as Enzo makes his way through the crowd.
“Guess we’re off the hook now.” I slide out of the booth.
“Wanna share a cab?” Carm asks.
I’d normally say no, but I’d rather not get into a cab by myself at eleven at night. “Sure, but no more talk about one-night stands.”
He laughs. “What do I have to do to loosen you up a little?” He waits for me to go first, following right behind me.
When we reach the street, he flags down a cab and I slide in first. I give the driver my address and we sit in silence while the car makes its way through Manhattan.
“I think we should keep this truce going,” Carm says out of nowhere.
“I don’t hate you. I think you hate me.”