He shifts in his seat to face me. “Just don’t steal my clients and we’re cool.”

“I told you it wasn’t intentional.”

“But it happened.” His eyebrows raise.

“You can’t call a truce and then say I’m a liar.”

The cab driver chuckles. My gaze shoots to the rearview mirror and we share a look.

“Fine. You didn’t steal him. But maybe next time you tell people you can’t service them.”

“Service them? I’m not a call girl. And I’m not going to turn down business.”

The cab driver pulls over to the curb of my condo building, and I move to slide out my side because Carm isn’t opening the door to let me out.

He pushes his hand through his hair. “Sorry.”

“Are you trying to be nice tonight and it’s just not working?”

His attitude has been back and forth all night. One moment he’s cool and the next he’s hot under the collar.

“No. It’s just…” He blows out a breath. “Annie said earlier I was a douche, and I’m not, so I’m trying to show you I’m not. I’m not even sure why I give a shit, but I do.” He runs his fingers through his hair again, his eyes cast down. He opens the door and steps out. “I’ll be right back,” he tells the cabbie through the passenger window.

“I don’t need you to walk me,” I say, although I like having him with me. It makes me feel safe.

“Listen, I may like variety in my sexual encounters, but I’m a gentleman, and even though I love to hate you, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He steps into the small foyer of my condo building.

“Thank you.” I open the main door and step into the lobby where the overflowing mailboxes are.

“Do you want me to walk you up?” he asks, holding the glass door.

“No. I got it from here.” My mace is in my purse. I’ll pull that out once he leaves.

“Okay then. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He rocks back on his heels but doesn’t leave.

“Is there something else?”

He hems and haws for a moment, then his hands come out of his pockets. I’ve noticed this evening that he uses them to communicate. “It’s just… I’m not an asshole, and for some reason it bothers me that you think I am. I enjoyed talking to you tonight. I don’t want the animosity between us to stand.”

I nod. “Okay. We’ll be civil to one another when our paths cross.” I turn to head farther into the building but turn and face him again. “And I don’t think you’re an asshole by the way.”

“You don’t?” His eyes light up, making them even more irresistible.

Jeez, I would not have thought that was even possible.

I giggle. “No. I understand that our views on dating are different. If the women you’re with know the score, then it’s mutual. I don’t judge them or you.”

He chuckles lightly, his eyes falling for a moment before they pierce into mine. “You surprise me, Bella.”

Hearing my name off his lips sends tingles across my skin. “Thanks.”

“Have a good night,” he says, lingering on the other side of the door.

I let the glass door close, effectively locking him out.

“I’m sure I’ll be seeing you in my dreams,” I mumble, because though I won’t admit to it anyone else, I’m very attracted to Carmelo Mancini. I don’t judge those women. I’m jealous of them. Much to my own disappointment.